
Responses from sedond

pwr conditioner - vans evers unlimiter
further follow-up from mike re: 1 vs 2 unlimiters for 4 amps: "If you have only 4 amps it would work. However, accounts from the field seem to lean towards splitting up high power/current amps from lower power/current amps. You could always start... 
pwr conditioner - vans evers unlimiter
i did email mike; he seems wery friendly. also sez i'd need *two* unlimiters for my two electrocompaniet amps & my two bridged adcom subwoofer amps. i guess they're not *completely* current-unlimiting... ;~) at least he's up-front about it! th... 
Bi-Amping - Good active crossover? Help
deluxe wersion of the marchand xm-9. excellent quality; it will be the *strongest* link in yer system, imho. not wery spendy, either. 
Multi channel much better than stereo?
urban, yer idea of having two separate systems has too many wariables as presented, to be able to draw any conclusions. 1st of all, what exactly do ya mean by "multi-channel"? a h-t set-up is vastly different than one designed for audio, w/ambient... 
Granite Under Speakers Over A Wood Floor
robert, i tink cornfedboy's objections stemmed not so much from the issue of whether or not y'all are fonies, but from the fact that, until yer *cover* was blown on on this thread, y'all were tryin' to come across as non-professional, disintereste... 
Multi channel much better than stereo?
as a supplement to my 2-channel rig, (completely out of the 2-channel signal-path when not in use, & when it *is* in use), i have set-up in my system an audio-only surround-sound processor - the jvc xpa-1010 digital acoustic processor. this un... 
PS Audio Ultimate outlet
i currently run my amps straight-in to the wall outlets - it gives the best sound - i don't tink i could afford the two ps-audio p1200's i'd prolly need to power-condition my amps w/o sucking the life outta them! ;~)but, i'm nervous running 'em un... 
RCA to XLR adapters ?
can't beat the industry-standard neutriks, imho. ewe should be able to find 'em at your local pro-audio store that caters to musicians. if ya can't find 'em there, try chuck levin's washington music center in wheaton, md - i got mine locally from ... 
Help wanted in regards to monitors...
all the above are worth auditioning, imho. re: dynaudio, yse they make their own drivers - they also make drivers for many of the top speaker mfrs, including some of the ones mentioned above. for other choices, i'd also recommend diapason adamante... 
Who R U?
hi bill,sounds like ya got *yer* musical priorities in order, so mebbe there's hope for yer son! ;~) even a used wiper is beyond my budget, so i yust have to make-do w/a pantera. :>) its p.o. had a 6-cd changer & decent super-tuner fm-casse... 
what the _____
i bought a used dynavector karet (17?) here on a-gon quite a while back. had it a couple months before mounting it. well, finally mounting it, i had everything done, ready-to-go, & when putting the tonearm lock into its position to awoid damag... 
Comments on Rogue Preamps?
ya, leafs, 'twas i who gave ewe the two negative wotes for content - no problem w/the form, tho, altho i *do* wonder why ya tink i shouldn't post about my experience w/the rogue anymore. is that bad form? should i give it, mebbe *one* negative wot... 
Who R U?
hey lakefrontroad, tell yer son - i'm into car-audio too - nuttin' like the wail of the 3-litre alfa v6 in my daily-driver at 6.5k rpms! and, w/a commute of 45 miles each way, there's lotsa time for music! :>)regards, dougps-no radio in my dail... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
mark, denon is fine for home-theatre; bose is fine for background music & entertaining. seriously.however, sitting down & listening to music, not doing anything else, but actually *listening*, as if yude gone to a concert or club to hear l... 
tube preamp with satisfying low end?
hi streetman, glad the melos preamp worked out for ya - now, ya yust need to buy my electrocompaniet aw100 amp, & yule be in fat-city... ;~)tanks for the report on the newforms - i'm now re-doubling my efforts to count pennies to save for thes...