Responses from secretguy
No God No! Say it Ain’t So! I hate to see SF "Bosed". As for Mcintosh, who cares? | |
Speakers for a Large Room (20’x37’) I'm jealous of that room. My Maggies would KILL in that room. | |
Where does music come from that streams? Who cares, as long as the artist gets screwed? | |
What is turntable “liveliness”. As usual. common sense is shot down here. | |
Are the Anthony Gallo Reference 3.5 still up to it? Gallo subs are excellent if you want to go that route. | |
Upgrading my integrated amplifier for my Magnepan 1.7’s crustycoot 637 posts 10-29-2024 at 07:57am Money to burn? Upgrade to MG 2.7i…the ribbon will “elevate your listening” more than swapping amps…especially when you have a GaN FET already This. | |
30 yr old speakers- time to replace drivers? gdaddy1 121 posts 10-28-2024 at 07:18am If they sound good leave it for now. If it ain't broke don't fix it. What he said. | |
Thinking of Magnepan ... finally! I've found that people who complain about larger Maggies bass don't know what bass actually sounds like. | |
Integrated Amp - Narrowing Down to 2 I have an STR and will always recommend it. | |
Thinking of Magnepan ... finally! I recently got a deal on 3.7 with Mye Stands. They are magnificent. So I guess the 1.6 will be sold and the Goldenears are back to tv duty. | |
Who has experience with audiophile circuit breakers? LOL. Audioiphiles. | |
Budget integrated amp? Budget Onkyos punch WAY above their weight. | |
Vintage Turntable Recommendation Might be of help. | |
What exactly is PRaT??? It's yet another figment of the audiophile imagination. | |
What are the best subwoofers you have heard for music. Speed, Musicality and integration Gallo TR3 |