
Responses from seanheis1

Ice Amp 125ASX2
Thanks for all of the help guys. For now, I am going to stick with half width class AB amps like my Emotiva Mini X & Brio R. Maybe add a Parasound Zamp V.3. With Tidal now streaming to Chromecast Audio, it's fun to setup multiple rooms in the ... 
Ice Amp 125ASX2
The amp is back up for sale on ebay if anyone is interested. 
Ice Amp 125ASX2
Hi Erik, I tested them with a USB external DAC with my PC, also with a Marantz AV receiver, and with a Chromecast audio....all streaming Tidal for the source material...I never did balanced input. I can see how a linear power supply would be nice.... 
Ice Amp 125ASX2
I bought it used so it should have been burned in. IMO it needed a valve pre-amp to warm up the vocals. But of course that is my personal preference.   
Ice Amp 125ASX2
Hi guys, just an update that the ICE Amp didn't work out. You guys were right, they don't add anything to the sound and they are very clean and IMO sterile and flat sounding, especially with vocals. I'm sure that they would be great with movies an... 
Ice Amp 125ASX2
That's interesting about the Rowland M125. These ICE modules appear to be very complete so I wonder how much tweaking can be done. 
Ice Amp 125ASX2
Thanks for sharing. I will let you guys know how it compares to my Rega Brio R, which is a brilliant little amp.   
Ice Amp 125ASX2
Thanks for all the advice everbody. I just pulled the trigger and bought a complete ice unit with housing and volume control for $285 shipped  
Ice Amp 125ASX2
Thanks guys. I also have a Brio-R that I enjoy and hope that this Ice Amp is comparable and doesn't sound cold.  
Ice Amp 125ASX2
5. I'm not sure there really is a budget. The Ice module costs about $200 and then I would need to buy a case and connectors. The total cost would be about $300. Thanks  
Ice Amp 125ASX2
1. I was just going to buy a module and put it in a pretty box...which is a few hundred dollar project. 2. Stereo mode should be plenty of power for my application3. Silverline Prelude plus4. Room is a good sized master bedroom. Thanks  
Need advice
buy an audioengine d1 for $170 as well as a more expensive option. Return the one that you don't want. Don't put too much faith in professional dac reviews. They are terribly subjective.  
Subwoofer is too loud with gain all the way down
Setting the Emotiva volume control @95% worked. Thank you!!   
Subwoofer is too loud with gain all the way down
Hi, it's an Emotiva Mini-x a-100. I would imagine that they are line level preamp outputs. It's pretty much too loud and too boomy with most music. I have the sub X-over @80Hz. I have an integrated amp and preamp because I need the USB DAC to go t... 
> $500 integrated amp to drive JBL 530 speakers full range
The Brio R is a step up in clarity and detail from my Marantz 5.1 receiver. At 3:00 on the volume dial, it gets pretty warm. I guess this is to be expected as there are no vents in the steel enclosure. The JBL 530s really sing with this amp.