
Responses from sean

Good, Neutral, Reasonably Priced Cables?
Tommy: One more thing about the Magnan's that you linked to. That is, they appear to use the flat ribbon design but then make additional connections to a different type of conductor for termination at each end of the cable. This means for a standa... 
Good, Neutral, Reasonably Priced Cables?
"In other words, does 'minimizing skin effect' actually mean 'maximizing skin propagation'?Tommy: That's a GREAT summary. Only thing to remember is, you've got to have enough "skin" or "surface area" to keep the series resistance low. On top of th... 
Good, Neutral, Reasonably Priced Cables?
Psychic: One of my colleagues has some radical ideas about power cords and AC filtration. He has made claims to me about what he can do in this area and i'm trying to work with him on this. He's not been real specific with me as he likes toying wi... 
RRL Cleaner, Vinyl Zyme, and Groove Glide
jes45: That's no reason to stop liking Mikey, it's just a reason to remember that we're all human, can make mistakes and sometimes operate under pre-concieved albeit false notions. Ten bucks says that Mikey won't make that mistake again though... ... 
Best Tweak???
Marco makes some great points. The less you worry about how your system performs, the more that you'll enjoy the music. Reading about other's systems, comparing notes of various products, lusting after gear, etc... all ends up detracting from the ... 
Spindle oil
Herman & El: You guys are discussing something in specific that i'm not really super fond of i.e. servo-driven linear tracker. Based on past experiences, i still believe that such a design has the potential to be better than most conventional ... 
Good, Neutral, Reasonably Priced Cables?
Tommy: As one goes higher in frequency, the signal tends to travel more towards the surface of the conductor. Consequently, as one goes lower in frequency, the signal tends to travel through a deeper cross-section of the conductor. By making the c... 
Good, Neutral, Reasonably Priced Cables?
Flex: A good yet "basic" power supply would consist of parallel RF bypasses across the incoming AC line, an EI type transformer ( NOT a toroidal ), fast recovery diodes ( or snubbers across standard diodes / rectifiers ) and a staggered array of m... 
Spindle oil
Herman: your example of an off-center record is a bit extreme. While this does happen, even a pivoted arm is "wallowing around" in the grooves as it the disc shimmies and shakes in an oblong rotation. There's only one TT made that actually deals w... 
How to bridge a Amp Adcom GFA1A and run a Subwoff
Kg & CudaKen: The GFA1 & 1A are VERY different amps from the 555 series of amps. I can guarantee that if the amp was bridged, it wouldn't be an amp for long. It would be a smoking metal cube that was on fire. This amp can't even be connect... 
FM radio in Chicagoland
I agree about XRT. They are like the other stations now i.e. have their own format ( still wider than most ) but repeat the same songs every day / every other day or so. On top of that, they DO have WAY too many commercials. As far as "9" goes, th... 
Bryston article on transformers - Part 2
Where's "part 1" at? I'd like to read that before reading part 2. I somehow missed it if it was previously posted. Sean> 
Good, Neutral, Reasonably Priced Cables?
Tommy: Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad that your system and ears responded equally well to the Goertz. Both of those are good signs : )As far as Goertz flat speaker cables go, it does less wrong than any other speaker cable that i'm aware of. ... 
How to bridge a Amp Adcom GFA1A and run a Subwoff
The GFA-1 is not bridgeable by design. That's because each channel already consists of two amps bridged together to make one bigger amp. As such, trying to tie both channels together would in effect be trying to tie four amps together. What you ca... 
Good, Neutral, Reasonably Priced Cables?
Good answer Drubin. I'll try not to type / think when i'm asleep next time. Or this time : ) Sean>