
Responses from sean

please help a rookie
I agree with the basic suggestions here. Look at your system as a whole from beginning to end. That means it starts as a power source ( PLC ) makes music at the recorded source ( CD system ) is fed through interconnect cables to the amplification ... 
Can I damage my amp and/or pre amp if I...
PS.... I tried to keep that last answer simple so that everyone could follow along : ) Sean> 
Can I damage my amp and/or pre amp if I...
Actually, if the waffer valve is stuck open on the preamp when you connect the tuner via the record output jacks of the receiver, you might burn out the muffler bearings. If that happens, say goodbye to the permeated substances inside the thingama... 
How do I add power to a 651 Kyocera receiver?
Warren, if your Kyo receiver has preamp output / amplifier input jacks, you are in luck. You can use a pair of "Y connectors" and hook up an external amp AND keep the amplifier in the Kyo working too. This would require a special made harness, as ... 
Why is 2 Channel better than multi-channel?
Good thread. Glad to see some diverse opinions with valid points being made on both sides of the fence. As to the stance that i ( and probably others ) took, let's just say that we have been pretty dis-illusioned with what the industry has had to ... 
what do you think off the older Revox equip. thank
while never thought of as being "audiophile quality", one might be surprised by their linear tracking TT's. You remember them, they had that "brick" of a tonearm that swung across the record and the cartridge was mechanically driven by a "belt" ac... 
What's the best 5 channel for less then 1K?
Will you be running a sub in the future ? If so, that means SIX channels of amplification. Dan's suggestion of picking up a few older but still solid 2 channel amps may work wonders for you. Using three 2 channel amps would make such a set-up a br... 
Why is 2 Channel better than multi-channel?
While Herman nailed it on the head, you also have to consider that you now have an even greater amount of speaker to room interaction taking place. If you have actually ever taken the time to try to obtain optimum performance with TWO speakers, yo... 
Can POWER CORDS really make that big a difference?
Hearhere, none of my post was aimed at anyone in specific. There are tons and tons of people that either don't believe in or are on the fence about power cords. As such, my post was meant as a "generalization" to everyone out there but was speakin... 
Kimber cable - good or bad?
Brulee, if the tax man is nice to me this year, i'm probably going to pick up one of the OTA kits that you've mentioned. Here's to hopin' : ) Sean> 
7500 for USED cables? Are they joking?
Charlie aka Danvetc brings up a good point. How many people posting to this thread have ever worked in or have intimate knowledge of the recording or pro sound reinforcement field ? I am not talking about boot-legging a concert with a portable Pan... 
Can POWER CORDS really make that big a difference?
Viggen, it's like anything else. The more involved that you get in any project, the more you can find that is either blatantly "wrong" or could simply use a little improvement. As such, a system can perform very well with stock cords but that is n... 
Help with voltage on amp
Thanks for the clarification Herman. I guess we all learned something on that one : ) Sean> 
Help with voltage on amp
Amp stability, gain characteristics, reliability, etc... can all be drastically effected by line voltage. If we were talking a few volts here, it would not matter. As such, you are talking about a 20% increase from what you'll probably have to wha... 
What's the deal with Adcom GTP 760 going so cheap?
Most Adcom gear is pretty reasonable overall but doesn't seem to hold it's value. This is probably because there is so much of it out there ( rarity or lack of availability raises value ) and people are always aspiring to climb higher up the ladde...