
Responses from sean

Puff Goes the Sunfire Mk II Subwoofer
Are all of your powered components plugged into the same circuit / outlet ?Did you try any of the steps outlined in a post about AC polarity / hum / noise that was posted a few weeks back ? As to being a coincidence with the Richard Gray pieces, t... 
Cigar Smell...How to get out of Maggies??
Sorry to hear that Dan. I'm sure that this has dampened your "high" quite a bit. I don't think that there is anything wrong with smoking so long as there are no fumes escaping from the burning end and the user doesn't exhale : ) Short of chemicals... 
Wow I listened to my old AR ES1 last night
Kind of amazing isn't it ? I went through the same "eye / ear opening" experience a few years back. Puts the "glories of digital" in a new perspective, huh ?!?!?! Sean> 
Benefits and Drawbacks to Shotgun Speaker Cables
Buckingham, that was a valiant attempt at artwork and being helpful. Glad to see that i'm not the only "scribbler" out there : )I agree with Maxgain about this still not clearly showing what we are talking about. One would almost need a color code... 
How many of us have worked in audio stores?
Brulee, i hear ya and completely agree. Some people are stuck on brand recognition and prestige. I'll let them buy the "flavor of the month" while i listen to my "low-fi" ANY day of the week. My one question about your cable comparisons though is ... 
Which direction would you go?
You mention trying other amp / preamp combo's, different digital front ends, tons of different cables, etc... so that kind of rules those out as the source of "bleeding ear syndrome". As such, you are left with your speakers as the logical source ... 
Anyone heard speakers by Stephen Sank. Pic of
I don't know of anyone that has his speakers, but i know a few guys with amps or preamps that he has rebuilt / modified. While the customer service is rather lacking in terms of communications and turn-around time, they've all been very happy with... 
I asked my partner at work about this today. He said that he just saw something about "gold on gold" CDR's lasting the longest. I'll have to pry more details out of him as we ended up getting too busy to talk much. Sean> 
Benefits and Drawbacks to Shotgun Speaker Cables
Buckingham, as i mentioned, every system can react differently. There are SO many variables with different cable geometries and gauges, etc... My comments were based on "generic" standards as to what "should" happen in "theory". I have learned eno... 
Recording levels on CD-R/Distortion
FTM, the program that you suggest COULD compromise sound quality depending on how they arrive at an average level. Short of using some type of companding circuitry, there is NO way to get around this other than riding the recording levels. One can... 
Going from 5Ch amp to separate 3Ch & 2 Ch. amps.
I would use a 2 ch amp for your mains and the 3 ch amp for center and surrounds. As to hooking things up, you would simply connect the appr outputs from the processor to the appr inputs on each amp. The only difference would be that you now have t... 
Benefits and Drawbacks to Shotgun Speaker Cables
Now that we've got that cleared up, running cables in shotgun fashion will DRASTICALLY alter their electrical characteristics. Any "special geometry" between the positive and negative conductors in the original design that was included to increase... 
Recording levels on CD-R/Distortion
The CD burners that i have played with will maintain the same appr volume as what the source produced. In fact, many of these will not even allow you to manipulate the recording levels manually when doing a direct digital disc to digital disc dub.... 
European -vs- US high-end
Natalie, the only Canadian companies that come to mind for me are Classe' and Bryston. While both solid products, i would not rank either of them as being "top notch". Then again, that is a personal opinion that may / may not be shared by others. ... 
Quality of recording vs Musical tastes
Ben, i think that you misunderstood my post or i was not real clear in what i wrote. I listen to ALL kinds of recordings, good and bad. Obviously, i prefer "good" recordings as i'm sure that everyone else here does too.My point was that i have fou...