
Responses from sean

which Alpha Core MI2 is the one to buy?
Lou's description would be for a cable that could be used "full range" or internally bi-wired. Sean> 
Right Channel Lag
Mot, leave the same tubes in the preamp, just switch the channels that they are operating in. If the "lag" changes channels along with the tube swap, you've found your culprit. If not, time to call up Sherlock Holmes : ) Sean> 
Using Power Conditioner to power on/off bad idea?
By using one switch to power up the whole system at one time greatly increases what is called in-rush current. This might be especially hard on the power switch of the PLC but would be no different for the components than if you used their switche... 
which Alpha Core MI2 is the one to buy?
I can see how you would be confused Brian. I am too on a lot of this stuff. Most of it is marketing nonsense.If the LAT used two conductors per cable for the lows and two conductors for the highs, that would be internally biwired. Each frequency r... 
What do you think about this idea for the FORUMS??
THANK YOU !!! We do appreciate all of the effort that you "behind the scenes" A-goner's do for us. Sorry if i sounded like a "whiney brat" : ) Now all we have to do is get in the habit of taking advantage of this new feature and encourage others t... 
Right Channel Lag
Sounds like the attenuator in the preamp is not tracking at the same rate for both channels. It is not uncommon for this to happen from what i've seen. The manufacturer of one of my preamps literally charts the difference in gain settings as one p... 
Is this a real upgrade?
Horns CAN image. I have a friend that has a moderate "mid-fi" system ( receiver, large bookshelf's, CD player ) that he purchased from a reputable local dealer. Like most people that buy a "stereo", he dismissed the "tips and tricks" about proper ... 
HELP - my speaker just turned into a radio
Yes Angela, that is a cheater plug. While you would have to do this anyhow since you would be relocating your amp, try moving your speaker cable into a different area and position. It is strange how stuff like that can affect the situation. While ... 
which Alpha Core MI2 is the one to buy?
Think of "shotgunning" like you would "mono-blocking". Just as you have one amp for each channel, you would have one cable for each polarity of the speaker jacks. This would mean using one conductor ( solid, stranded, braided, etc.. ) in it's own ... 
40hz ratings/speaker response
There are several ways to achieve low frequency extension. The most commonly used methods are:A) using some type of vent i.e. port, passive radiator, tuned slot, aperiodic ( vario-vent ) etc.. This combines the backwave of the woofer with the fron... 
Goertz MI2 and amp oscillation
Angela, i forgot about the speakers that you were running during our email conversation. If you remember though, i did mention that you might not be having a problem due to the specific speaker load that you had on the amp.The reason that the outp... 
B&K ST-202 or Forte 1A?
What an amp will "do" and how it operates optimally can be very different things. The ST-202 will "do" 2 ohm loads. In doing that, it will run QUITE hot, sound more smeared and less detailed, etc... As to Unsound's suggestion, the M-200's are capa... 
which Alpha Core MI2 is the one to buy?
My experience with biwiring any speaker is that the biggest benefits come from two separate runs of wire i.e. one set of cables to the top and one to the bottom. This is NOT the same as using cables that are internally bi-wired. Using Goertz in a ... 
Best bargain find ever ?
If it weren't for "killer deals", i would not have been able to afford 1/10 the gear that i currently have. Anyone that talks to me on a regular basis knows how "lucky" i am at sniffing out "bargains". I have bought speakers that sold for $4000 fo... 
Upsampling put to "THE TEST": R U ready 2 take it?
I will probably have a device that allows a "straight wire bypass" test to be performed on various devices within the next two weeks. This will allow me to insert any analogue based product ( that lets DAC's out ) and compare them to running a str...