
Responses from sean

Best Dark Sounding Amp For Bright Speakers?
Hahahaha.... Nice suggestion Bob. Sounds like the solution that someone else that you know chose : ) Sean> 
Where to find LP clamps?
I agree with Zaikesman. The same thing takes place when folks use "springy" unsupported platter mats such as the Ringmat, etc... These types of devices artificially boost the high frequencies, making a dull recording or improperly matched phono sy... 
OSKAR HEIL Tweeters?
I think that the most famous line of speakers that used Heil's were the ESS's. Other than Oskar's own product line, i don't know of any other company off the top of my head that has used these other than ESS. I'm sure that someone will be glad to ... 
How do you properly break-in a pair of speakers?
Run the speakers like you were breaking in a car motor. That is, drive them the way you would normally with jsut a bit more respect i.e. no instantaneous throttle stomping ( cranking the volume ). This allows the capacitors to form. Once you've go... 
Where to find LP clamps?
Jerry Raskin's Needle Doctor has a pretty good selection of record clamps at various prices. Take a look there and see if you can find something that will work for you. Sean> 
Best Dark Sounding Amp For Bright Speakers?
Mfb33, drop me an email. I'd like to send you a pair of interconnects to try out and see what you think. Need to know some specifics though before throwing them in the mail. Sean> 
Advice on power conditioner
I would suggest picking up the parts for Chris VH's power cords and building models 1 & 2. VH-1 for your CD player and VH-2 for the integrated. I think that Ernie aka Audiogon member "Subaruguru" is selling kits to make these at a very reason... 
Anyone use a Pledge "Grab-it" on their vinyl?
Hififile, do you have a record cleaning machine ? I'm sure that the records could be salvaged with some elbow grease. You might be able to take them into a record shop or audio shop and have them cleaned. I know an audio shop here in Chicago charg... 
Best Dark Sounding Amp For Bright Speakers?
Are the speakers bright or is the amp bright ? Have you tried a different amp and gotten the same results ? Have you tried various cabling ? You really need to track down the source of the problem and correct it, not band-aid it by changing other ... 
Are silver coated cables a bunch of hype?
Like anything else, it will depend on the design and quality of materials used. Many people complain of heightened yet "hashy" sounding highs with silver / copper hybrids. I think a lot of it may have to do with the amount or "depth" of silver pla... 
Anyone use a Pledge "Grab-it" on their vinyl?
This is one of those things that might "work right now, but be bad later". This is especially true if it uses some type of wetting agent or "cleaner" in it. There are so many different types of these things on the market that i can't remember whic... 
For a fuller bass- A3.2 MF or Unico UR ?
Cdc: Take a look at this thread regarding Analysis Plus as it would be easier to read my thoughts / comments / experiences there than it would be to repost them here. Sean> 
Peter Gabriel in Chicago
I am not the most knowledgable when it comes to Peter's musical history / background. My girlfriend absolutely loves him though, and that is how i ended up at the show. Obviously, i know some of his music from being exposed to Genesis and his solo... 
Klipsch speakers
In stock form, all Klipsch speakers need a LOT of work ( in my opinion ). Then again, most all speakers can use some "finesse" in stock form. It's just that most Klipsch products wear their flaws quite flagrantly whereas others may take more time ... 
From a Newbie - How long should I wait?
Both Viridian and Swampwalker have good comments / suggestions. I would drop the seller an email and tell them that you are no longer interested or give them a specific deadline to respond back to your offer ( Friday @ 5 PM CST cut-off time, etc.....