
Responses from scottht

Rogue 88 vs 90
The fan in the 88 is a huge issue with me. I owned it for about a year. You aways knew it was there whirling away. They should open it up and remove the fan. Also it never seemed to have enough power. Always broke up under pushing the volume.I als... 
What preamp should I buy ?
Just so you know, I ended up buying an ARC LS3.And with that decision came some spare money because they are so cheap. I went on ebay and bought some vintage Infinity speakers. Well, we will see how this time goes. You never know, there may be ano... 
What preamp should I buy ?
The new Rogue is not listed on the site. 
What preamp should I buy ?
I narrowed it down to 2 choices. The ARC LS3 and a SP8.I believe I might have just made a deal on a SP8. 
What preamp should I buy ?
Hi Eagleman, yes we have discussed this pre before. I am reluctant if you know what I mean. I know you mean well and I believe you love this preamp. I am just having a hard time thinking this could be for me. Does he offer home trials ?Why should ... 
What preamp should I buy ?
How about a Sonic Frontier SFL2 ? 
What preamp should I buy ?
I am leaning towards this selectionARC LS3, SP8, SP6Some Macintosh modelI have had the following.Rogue Magnum 99Blue Circle BC3 DespinaAES ae/1Conrad Johnson Premier 2ARC SP7and others I can't even think of right now.Thanks, Scott 
Best used speakers around 500 for clasic rock
I am using Vandersteen 2C's with great results. 
best turntable for 500$ or less
Too bad. You should have got a VPI hw-19jr.Best $500 table available period. 
ARC users please
Okay, that is my point. SP-5,7,8,9 and 14 and then a 25.How do you keep track of the good ones from the bad ones? 
ARC users please
How about Classe" 
ARC users please
I had the Rogue 99 Magnum for a while. I didn't like it really. The sonics weren't too bad. Not what I was looking for. But, I just didn't like the 99 much at all. 
ARC users please
So here it is.My system is this. Pair of Rogue Magnum 120'sVandersteen 2C'sVPI Hw 19 TT w/ Grado Reference SonataAll Discovery IC'sApature Silver Speaker CablesGraham Slee Era Gold phono stageCAL CL15 CDI listen to mostly vinyl, 60's and 70's rock... 
ARC users please
They seem to have made it very difficult to follow the model lines and what the sound like. 
ARC users please
What is the difference between LS and SP besides the phono section ? In other words, is a SP 8 the same as a LS 8 ?Do they use the same technology and sound the same except for not having a phono stage on the LS ?Scott