
Responses from scottht

Monoblock Suggestion?
What is your price range? That will determine a lot. 
Music you would like to turn someone on to.
Also need to listen to, Mapleshade (Wildchild label) Big Joe Maher: MOJOWow, what a recording. If you like R&B, this is a must listen. 
Music you would like to turn someone on to.
Music you would like to turn someone on to.
My teenager turned me onto "Bowling for Soup"Pretty hip stuff 
Cry me a river
I cry everytime the other reindeer start laughing at Rudolph and say that he can't play anymore reindeer games.That just breaks me up. 
4 ohm tap vs 8 ohm tap
Makes me wonder about the Proacs that I sold because I was unhappy with them. Wonder how they would have sounded with the 4 ohm tap. 
What happens to speakers over time?
They get boring and you feel this urgent need to get rid of them and buy newer ones. 
Power Cord Burn-In
Gosh, let me think about that just 1 minute. No kids, no mortgage and no debt. I don't know what I would do!Most certainly the best stereo I could find. Enjoy it while you can. My oldest daughter is going into 10th grade. And my youngest is going ... 
Power Cord Burn-In
You guys must have money to burn. I suppose you drive one of those special Chevy Tahoe's they call HUMMER.This is one of those " My stereo is better than your stereo" situations. Give me one shred of evidence that this theory exsists.Thanks, This ... 
4 ohm tap vs 8 ohm tap
Morbius, I think you will find this amusingI have spoke to a good work friend who is an electrical engineer. He has been in this profession for over 25 years.I was telling him about the discussion on the CABLE forum of breaking in power cords. I a... 
4 ohm tap vs 8 ohm tap
Well, I can definatly notice a difference. I just got these speakers about a week and a half ago. When I first hooked them up I forgot to change from 4 to 6 ohm because my Thiels are 4 ohm. I liked the speakers right away. After I noticed that I f... 
4 ohm tap vs 8 ohm tap
Thanks, I just wanted to make sure there were no issues before I started running them like that for an extended period of time. I tried the 4ohm tap and I felt I liked it beeter that way.Thanks again. Scott 
Power Cord Burn-In
Flex. I agree with you to some extent. But, a "power cable" changing the sound of a component after it breaks in? 
Can Rock-N-Roll have great sound quality?
What does your system consist of. I spent nearly 2 years trying to make this work. I listen to everything from AC/DC to Zeppelin. I have got it real darn close. Some recordings just plain suck and you will never get them to sound good. But I would... 
A scary thought from Ellery911
Where is the not sold section?