
Responses from scm

Buying used: Parasound A21 or A21+ ?
mofojo  Is that your A21 that says... "Certified check, personal check, money order prepaid in advance. I do not have a PayPal account." ? 
Ok...Can anybody chime in here ? Would be much appreciated !Steve 
jays_audio_lab Ancient thread I know, so forgive me for bringing it back...I`d like to ask if you recall what power cable did you use with the ML 532 H ? Same question for the ATI. I`ve been using an ATI 3002 with a Shunyata Venom HC and I`m th... 
Cartridges with that musical coherence - having heard it, I need to learn more
I have a gut feeling the newly designed Rega Apheta 3 is going to be a rising star once the word gets out as to how good it sounds for dollars spent :) 
Rega P3: Neo PSU or New Cartridge?
  undefined ... I agree with your observations. The runout on the GT subplatter is so much tighter vs the plasticky stock one and that alone helps in a better more defined sound. I noticed that the surface noise dropped dramatically as well.The N... 
Rega P3: Neo PSU or New Cartridge?
undefined...Did you hear an improvement when you put the Groovetracer subplatter in ? 
Rega P3: Neo PSU or New Cartridge?
jasonbourne52"The stock power supply is fine! I doubt paying more for a p/s will "improve" the sound! Get a better cartridge/phono stage". No offense, but have you heard a stock power supply vs a NEO ?It`s a noticeable improvement top to bottom... 
Rega P3: Neo PSU or New Cartridge?
NEO...without a doubt 
My swarm sub system is in The Absolute Sound !!
 Love the coffered ceiling ! Obviously built with diffusion in mind first and foremost with aesthetics following closely behind :D   
Absolute Polarity Switch
My Herron phono stage has a rocker switch on the back labeled:'Power Line Polarity'  with up being position A and down position B.Never messed with it really, and I leave it in the A position . 
Rogue Audio Sphinx V3
The Rogue Sphinx V2 sounds very nice indeed paired up with a Hot Rodded Rega P5/Ortofon 2M Black combo feeding an upgraded pair of Zu DW`s and 3 subs. Has the stock tubes with only about 60 hrs on them so some tube rolling should ad a little more ... 
Distributed Bass Array configuration
Thanks Duke. I did that with self powered subs and what I found was that the best spots that where candidates for Sub # 1`s position ended up being where Sub # 2 went and the third best spot s where Sub # 3 ended up.So in this room, there didn`t s... 
Vintage MIT MI-330
I have a set of the MH750`s and the arrows are supposed to go in the direction of the signal. The signal comes from the amp so the arrows should point towards the speakers not the amp...  
Distributed Bass Array configuration
Question:   When using the crawl method and picking the best spot for Sub #1are you supposed to then power up Sub #1 while crawling for Sub #2`s best spot and so on with each sub thereafter....??