
Responses from scm

Looking for a non-powered sub
Gallant, my room is only 14' x 18' with 9' ceilings. Dipole subs might be pushing it don`t you think?Java..No interest in wood working, but a put-together kit is interesting. I`m leaning to the VMPS especially if they can be had in kit form.In the... 
Looking for a non-powered sub
I do have an amp that I want to use. It`s a Behringer EP1500.I`m led to believe that to blend in a planar well, some outboard devices might do an overall better job.Problem is, I don`t know what all I`ll need,and keeping the cost on the lower side... 
Looking for a non-powered sub
Thanks, I`ll look into that.Any $500-800 DIY subs out there that can compete with the better known commercially available ones? 
Magnepan MG 10 QR
I have a PS Audio HCA-2 amp so that should be ok, right?So $700 is too much ? Do you think I`d be better off moving on to a set of MG 12`s instead?