
Responses from schubert

Jazz for aficionados Bley said virtually what frogman did .He gave me this album with he and Lee, I treasure it .Both went their own ways but were so skilled in their craft that they played beautifully together .Two giants , may th... 
RIP Art Dudley
By far the best audio writer !  May he rest in Peace . 
Totem Hawks - my impressions
There are best in acoustic music like Jazz or Classical .Paradigm is another well made Canadian speaker that is voiced for rock . 
Jazz for aficionados
I heard the  Bickersons 369 times . Was VERY popular in late 40's.I don't think it was on in Yugoslavia .  
Your "Best of..." audio manufacturer in each state
MN       Maggies            Van Alstine             ARC            Anti-Cable            Bel Canto           Atmasphere                              
Jazz for aficionados
Yes  mary jo  but that was only 15 years ago , might see otherwise when you are older. 
Best speaker cables for under 500$ (Euros)
Anti-Cable 3 might be OK . British Chord might be best with Euro . 
Jazz for aficionados
Jazz for aficionados
He is Risen ! 
Top ten American composers/songwriters
IF humans exist on Planet Earth two hundred years from now Mozart will still be played and not one person alive will have heard of Taylor Swift.For every one who saw Mozart a flash in the pan many more thought him a juvenile genius . They are este... 
192 khz/24 bit Albums on Qobuz
audite84 , It's YOU that is Lucky  ! 
Top ten American composers/songwriters
Anyone who has an ear on modern pop music has bad taste . 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
I love the USPO too. Best thing we do .But , I read it will be broke in June and has GOP has  long wanted to put into private hands ,................................German Post was also excellent when I lived there, It went private and lucky if yo... 
REGA RB 303 to RB 808
Thanks , I have the sub and Funk . on to Groovtracer . 
Top ten American composers/songwriters
At least 50 other companies have all that with Japan leading the way .USA has one less as it is a Republic , not a Democracy . And make no mistake , that is a BIG difference !.