
Responses from schubert

What the best 89-90 db speaker I can buy for 3k?
Thanks Rsimms, your suggestion jogged my memory, I do recall a review praising these highly.However, looking at the website, I see these have efficiencies down in the Maggie range,after 3 decades of Maggies I want a speaker that "breathes" which t... 
Mapleshade boards under speakers
Sound terrible in my house, thin wool rug over spruce. 
Do you like your Sanus, VTI, or Salamander rack?
Those FL Terrazo over concrete floors can only be cured by the thickest WOOL rug you can afford over all the entire listening area. Period. 
Low-Powered Tube Amp for Zu Soul MkII?
No one ever regets a Sophia Baby, if its enough power there is no need to ever upgrade. 
When do you choose vinyl over digital?
Dbphd,A TD 124 with SME 3009 III and SME30H is not a ritual, its a religious experience ! 
When do you choose vinyl over digital?
Because my Basset Hound will come into my room , lie down and listen carefully to a Schubert string quartet but get up and leave if I play the same piece on CD.And no, this is not a joke and believe it or not I named him Schubert as a pup. 
Do you like your Sanus, VTI, or Salamander rack?
All of the above, 4" works under sone tables not on others. 
Oppo 103 HDMI Cable
Ain't seen no junk from them yet. 
Cartridge for punk, rock, emo, indie?
Rock is about MONEY. A song is pumped up to blast thru on a car radio because that's where most stuff gets sold and they don't want you going any further on the dial.Also. most rock "artists" have little to no taste and what they do have is bad. 
Do you like your Sanus, VTI, or Salamander rack?
Salamander is sturdy enough IMHO, but far from rock steady.I like it better than a Mapleshade I tried, but I'm of the "Rega" more mass just stores unwanted energy school. 
Cartridge for punk, rock, emo, indie?
Because an accurate cart makes many rock records unlistenable could be one reason. 
Electric Bill
I would not care to be away from home if/when a tube failed. 
Nuforce 9's and MMG Maggies
If they put out at least 300 watts into 4 Ohms and are stable to 2 ohms yes. 
Cartridge for punk, rock, emo, indie?
AT 120E 
Tough decision, samsung Samsung PN65F8500 or
Though Sam plasmas are fine, Panny's are the best,Owned several of both.