
Responses from schubert

The amp stoped working and issued smoke because parts inside of it blew up .MMG were not hurt . 
“Invest” in Tekton?
Of course you have to be nuts to drop big money on a speaker you never heard.That said, pair of 700$ Rega RS-1's monitors will show the difference between a preand amp costing 4k and a Lamm setup costing 80K . And anything in between . Tried on my... 
Upgrading Turntables. Stick with Rega?
Azimuth adjustment is often the difference the difference between good and sucks . And easy to do by ear if you can easily move up and down a bit .On Rega its a PITA . IMO you also need to send a Rega out to have the tone arm rewired before you pl... 
High mass vs Low Mass Turntables - Sound difference?
I’ve owned over a hundred tables just cause I like to play with them .Most expensive was a Linn 3k job .I tried to figure out what was best but I got so tied up in music I forget to take notes .All I know was Sansui 929 was the most beautiful one ... 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
bdp24,Best of the best on Piano French Suites BWV 812-17Angela Hewitt , Hyperion CDA67121/2Keyboard Partitas no2,3,4Murray Perahia Sony 88697 22695-2 (his French Suites are also great)Along with Richard Goode, the best Bach keyboard players alive.... 
HUH? A'diva is Al'Diva, I got 2 A'Diva TI  for $470 bucks shipped. Read the reviews , I had 4 prs of Maggies, A'diva are better and FAR less hassle.face it , Naggies are PITA  and need stands, 400 watts to do their best etc. 
Sellers Beware!!!
Need to start a "Winter War" with PP.Get those boys from Ostrobothnia on their case . 
Hearing is believing?........power cables.......
No debate, some can hear change, those who resist change in general don't hear it in audio either . 
Adding mass to a tonearm
emil, I had exactly the same problem with them, cure was worst than the disease ! 
Decware and Zu. A pairing made in heaven
Cool, I have 15 ft pair I use at times , Mission cable seems to play well with others . 
Hearing is believing?........power cables.......
Giving a personal case in point .I was once badly wounded and in a ward with others in same situation , seeing others suffering was very traumatic .I lost  ALL sense of touch, taste, smell and vision was reduced to a very narrow tunnel, maybe 5 de... 
Taralabs cables
Thank you ! 
Jazz for aficionados
Don't believe in being polite either . Crass attacks Class .Learsfool forgot more about music than you know and his post is very well written and insightful , a delight to peruse !. 
Used Belles amp and Gallo A’diva speakers on their tube stands and a used sub, preferably a Gallo .Killer sound, easy to drive, work in any room and easily moved anywhere in two minutes and never heard of one breaking .AND women love them , they a... 
Pass Labs
God Bless You, tube .