
Responses from schubert

Warm, rich sounding interconnects?
With electorial college and gerrymandering one vote in a swing state is worth a hundred in a red or blue one . Democracy is one man = one vote . 
Anyone spend more on their system than their car?
Might help with the women but won't with a lady .  
Focal Utopia Scala V2 or Persona (9H/7F)
In 50+  years of this game, I never heard a French speaker I didn't like . 
bookshelf speaker recommendation with Creek & Arcam
+1 for the Rega 1 series , very natural sound with acoustic music but most rock fans seem to find natural "flat" .  
Most Beautiful Receiver / Integrated - Ever was... ?
They didn't sell them to us Infantrymen . 
Lesser known 2 way bookshelf Speakers from the 80's
fin1bxn, a + I for the Cizak ,an outstanding speaker that would still be a winner today . As I recall designed and built by a blind man who had perfect pitch + . 
Upgrade from Rega Elys 2
Could just buy a good TT to start with . 
Cable manufacturers?
For USA long-term thinking is a year or two out, for Chinese its 2-3 centuries . Chinese debt = zero, US debt three times what it could pay in 80 years .Duh , . In 10 years yuan will be de-facto reserve currency . 
Cable manufacturers?
China can build anything at any level there is . USA has 10% of industrial capacity it had at start of WW II and has an economy based upon selling slips of paper aka Wall St . 
Small but high quality integrated
Thanks kalali. But as I'm over 80 and not in best of health with no family to give anything to, they were really doing me a favor to be honest .God bless . 
Small but high quality integrated
I had 2 Densen amps that I bought for $200 bucks off a guy who was moving to Germany . One had about 100 hours use, one was new in box.Well made and good sounding . I gave both to new immigrants moving to Twin Cities . Strange to say one was from ... 
Most Beautiful Receiver / Integrated - Ever was... ?
I still listen to Classical music 5-6 hours a day 24/7/365 .If  i'm sitting there listening to beauty I damn sure ain't going to be looking at ugly ! 
Upgrade from Rega Elys 2
Obvious choice , unless you get off playing all day with shim's", is Rega Exact, a fine honest cartridge . 
Lesser known 2 way bookshelf Speakers from the 80's
+1 for Fried Beta, VERY musical little gem ! 
My rankings of some classical violin music in high resolution
All Dorian’s I own  have excellent sound .As do Hyperion and BIS .Well known in industry that the Troy Music Hall , which is the top floor of a tall bank , is best recording venue in USA .You can , for real, hear a pin drop in this hall .