
Responses from schubert

Jazz for aficionados
Thanks all for the threads and links to "Caravan"It was written one year after I was born and for years after hardly a daywent by when I didn't hear it on the radio and be enchanted by it !I'll wager 90% of the American public was familiar with "C... 
Jazz for aficionados
I actually like Gene Ammons myself , esp. when he dips into r&b much of what I consider folk music . Just not all day. Telling a story is the heart and soul of jazz and as any great storyteller will tell you , the only story you really have is... 
Jazz for aficionados
Rest assured Dave, I am fully aware of my own many faults and foibles. And others reactions to them .If you bothered to read what I said, that Ammons has a ton of talent but is not someone I would want to listen to all day , no reasonable person w... 
What sounds best: Vinyl or CDs
The point is not how it sounds but how your body reacts to it. I've been a serious listener of classical music for over 60 years and during that time have owned about 6K lp's and 3K  CD's .Long ago I noticed my shoulder area would tighten up after... 
Help with a new Tube headphone amp blowing fuses
Humble Texas might well be greatest oxymoron in history ! 
Jazz for aficionados
O-10  Ammons had a ton of talent etc,etc ,but nothing I personally would care to listen to all day . 
2017 Honest Cabling that doesn’t promote bankruptcy
Best bang for buck is AudioArt and ZU .ZU off E-bay is best deal on anything in all of Audio.AudioArt is VERY good on harmonics !  
Jazz for aficionados
For whats its worth, I can listen longer to Turrentine , Sunny Stittt , and Elaine Elias longer than any other jazz players .Worse part of jazz is the who can play the loudest contests . 
Interesting article on audiophiles and audiophilia
Beyond doubt, as much as I hate to own up to it,  buckhorn has more than a grain of truth in his statement . 
Floor Stander with Small Footprint 7K - 15K
I finally got to hear the PSB T3 yesterday in a room I'm familiar with at my uber-rich friends house .They were in his second system , Magico 5's in his main setup .For the classical music I listen to I'd rather have the T3's . 
Feickert Protractor - anyone use one?
I use the Feickert and enjoy doing so.But IF ( a big if) I can find something on an arm that enables me to see the pivot point hunched down there  a 50$ Geo Disc is just as accurate . 
Your choice - TT, Arm, Stage, Cartridge - $5000 budget
Cartidge’s are priced differently all over the world on a what the market will bear basis .Sellers are well aware that Americans tend to judge on a more expensive must be better basiswhich is not the case in most places . 
Jazz for aficionados
In Germany I was always OK with the expensive gas as I knew it fundedthe cost-free German Higher Education System and German studentshad none of the horrendous debt burden so many American students have .Also ,made me think is this trip necessary?... 
Looking for cartridge recommendations (after a 20 year hiatus)
+ ! for the Jico stylus .Grado 8mz is a good choice for symphonic music, a middle of the hall perspective . 
What are you listening to right now?
Joseph Haydn  Cello Concerto in D major op.101