
Responses from schipo

Covered my TV...What next?
Go for base traps in the upper corners V shape acoustic pillows. You have alot of wall space so sound panels are a must and since you have wall space it will make it easier for you to scatter them. 
Shorten those lengthy power cords?
I agree 100% with Vernneal. I just don't see why it is nessary to continue to change and buy outlandishly priced power cords..its the room first then power amp and speakers that really make the most of what is going on in your room. To pay attenti... 
Bass Suckout in a Square Room - Remedies and Solut
If for any reason you can't move the sofa "WAF" then try using diffusors at the rear and side...the sofa is most likely the cause. I use for my listening seat a comfortable whicker chair. I figure if there is very little material at the listening ... 
Preamp for Jadis Defy 7 mk2 recommendations
correction an Adcom gfp 565 
Preamp for Jadis Defy 7 mk2 recommendations
I had a Jadis Defy 7 some moons ago and it ran very well using numurous pres such as the Classe Dr-5&6 Conrad Johnson pv-10B along with a NYAL and last a budget Adcom GFA 565.. 
Underappreciated components.
Radio shack fusion cables they can frown all they want but they are built excellent and sound very good ..and at the price I paid even better... 
Absorber behind corner bookcase
leave an air gap using the acoustical material on all corners. The book case to it best to have an air gap. 
Why did I get married?
legal way to sedate her after 8 PM..simple red wine and a a turkey sandwish..sedate doesn't always mean you are going to wind up on the forensic file channel. 
Why did I get married?
Tvad: Please don't tell me in your circle you hang out with the Duck of Yorkshire or maybe the Earl of Buckingham.Please this is all done in complete levity and nothing more. You should hear what wife's and girlfriends say about their respected ot... 
vibration controll
your steel rack is the problem. Steel holds in much to much energy and it runs right up into your table if your using a turntable. I would worry more about the table then the amp. Do away with the steel and place your gear on ikea lack tables thei... 
Absorber behind corner bookcase
more important then buying new gear and most ignored by all is room treatment. Your idea of just stuffing is in the right direction but off a little. Place it tri corner v shape with an air gap"cavity". Also books are great for both damping and di... 
Why did I get married?
it aint the volume of the music my friend. The problem is that you are not paying attention to her. Get her to sit close to you with your arms around her and she won't care how loud your playing it.. 
Need small subwoofer for thump
try the small sunfire subs a small footprint with good bass for their size. 
How to fix CD?
I usually take them over to the sink and with just a dab of dishwashing liquid and using my hands and a little water give them a good cleaning just to remove some of the oils and grit over the yrs of handling. Then wipe gently with a very clean co... 
LPs of Clarinet pcs
hyperion label has the recordings of the crusell clarinet concertos..