
Responses from schipo

Jolida 302 b disaster
I should think a week gone by is not enough time to think your switch is not on the way.I would hardly call this a disaster and the changing of a switch is pretty much an easy task. I myself have done it a few times when I had a DR-9 amp and its r... 
McIntosh or Audio Research preamplifier?
McIntosh products are very reliable. 
Why Use Aluminum for a TT Platter?
And this is why you as a consumer payed so much for the Goldmund to get it somewhat right. The reason I say get it somewhat if you took off the platter and watched the spindle spin it looked like paint can shaker at your nearby HD. 
Why Use Aluminum for a TT Platter?
it is relatively easy to machine and is inexpensive. However, aluminum is poorly damped and subject to resonance. So it was imperative that other materials are used such as steel,lead,bronze and many others to numerous.I am guessing also the avail... 
I Was at a Funeral of An Audiophile...
Shadorne said: I think it is the height of bad taste to denigrate someone at their funeral:Well at least the deceased couldn't complain.And again maybe he can cryogenic-ally freeze along with his cables and listen in the after life.. 
Vinyl in the News
maybe one day we will be able to plan a Mars mission using our phones? But until then I am perfectly alright just making a phone call and spinning vinyl. I invited a friend over {lady friend} and had her listen to some vinyl. She was amazed how go... 
A tale of WAF
Now I know why I am divorced? I dared to stand up to my wife. I did and she got it all. You have a house large enough for a family of four and you still have to dream on ....geezzzz 
Sibilance issues with vinyl rig
Joesph my opinion is that your new to vinyl. And since you are brought up in a digital age. No matter what setup you have you are not going to enjoy vinyl period. Clicks ticks and pops and surface noise's are just part of this medium and no expens... 
Diffusers for magnepan speakers
There are a few companies that make nice kits for a fair price. The fit and polish after completed look very pro. I would just Google diffuser kits and your there. Has far as wasting time and money. Treatment such as this can be a crap shoot so if... 
Vinyl cleanliness
that's the medium. Its a mechanical device and it traces a record made of vinyl there has to be noise.I don't care how well designed a TT and Tonearm system is. It has to make some kind of noise other then whats recorded. 
Is centerclamp like TT Weights as good as TT maker
1500.00 sounds quite excessive for just the need of having a thread spindle. I would if you just look for a good reflex clamp such a Sota or Goldmund. Just make sure its a fit for the spindle.The dealer is looking for a sale and since the table so... 
speaker cable upgrade
Almarg: Much of what Dr Johnson writes does go over my head. I am not involved at all at that technical level. But I can understand this email that he wrote helping a client and I would think that it will also pertain to The audio craze when it co... 
speaker cable upgrade
please do yourself a favor and listen to Elizabeth and take her word for it...I will not get involved because this is the most taboo issue on every audio blog. And when you disagree the daggers come out. I will say please read what a Dr Howard Joh... 
How many tube watts for Vandersteen 2's?
I know a gentleman acquittance that uses them with a pair of quicksilver mono amps. The sound is really open and very dynamic for such a low power amp. I would think the VTL would work very well in that size room. 
Heavy table on Target vw1 'pro'?
I sould think as long as the wall mount is mounted correctly{in wall studs with the proper size and length screws}there should be absolutely no problem handling a 50lb table.