
Responses from sc53

Best Repair center for Pioneer LD player
Hey Chris, it's Sarah--JS Audio in Bethesda has repaired (actually, sent stuff around the corner to a repair shop they use) two of my Pioneer LD/DVD players so far. You can call Joe or Mike at JS Audio, 301-656-7020, for help. I'm not sure they ca... 
How many DVDs/CDs/LPs do you own?
30 DVDs; 95 LDs; 5000 CDs; 25 SACDs; 800 LPs. Don't know percentage cost of my hardware. Mostly listen to music, but also enjoy some good movies, like Withnail and I (found it on LD) and Baghdad Cafe (also LD). Both are hysterical comedy/tragedies. 
Shipping amps upside down?
Do you really think UPS or Fed Ex or USPS pays any attention to the direction the arrows are pointing on a shipping box? In my experience, all these services are HARD on packages. I would have NO confidence that labelling and other instructions ar... 
Your Analog Front End
I have had a Linn LP12 w/Akito arm and van den Hul MM-1 moving magnet cartridge for about 8 yrs. Over the years, i added the Trampolin, Cirkus, and finally the Lingo about 3 yrs ago. Like the fellow above, I use an Audio Research PH-3 as a phono s... 
So many choices what to buy?
As between the two Thiels you are considering, go with the 6's before any of the 7's. The 6's sound better! (IMO) With Thiels, you have to be careful and patient about room placement. It may take you two weeks to find the right spots in your room,... 
I have owned a lot of Adcom gear over the years and recently parted with three pieces that were very good and very reasonably priced: 5802 amp, GCD 750 cd player, and GFP 750 preamp. All three were excellent performers, never broke down, and looke... 
Meridian sounds best with Meridian?
I think the Meridian CD players sound fantastic w/anything you run w/them. A total Meridian system, w/the digital speakers, sounds very analytic and crisp to me. I have listened to all-Meridian systems quite a bit at my dealer's, who has about 4 l... 
Cheapest places to buy gear?
And I forgot to second the recommendation for not only for LPs, CDs, and SACDs at the lowest prices (and fastest shipping; they are in Chicago so seem to be pretty centally located), but also for turntables, cartridges, accessorie... 
Cheapest places to buy gear?
Email or phone Walter who deals on Audiogon as "underwoodwally;" his prices on high-end gear are astounding and he is really helpful about options too. Two other Audiogon dealers I have dealt with at amazingly low prices (for new gear) are Bob at ... 
Rega or Sony from a "digital dope"
I second Slingshot's thought on finding a used Cal; I used to have a Cal Audio Tempest II cd player w/one tube and it was the best sounding player I ever owned. wish I had kept it for comparison w/some of the latest upsampling etc. models. anyway,... 
Amp for Vienna Acoustics Mahlers
I used a Goldmund Mimesis 29 w/these speakers in a medium sized room w/superb results. Extremely musical. Ended up deciding I could not afford these pieces and now have the Beethovens running on Ayres. Also extremely musical--but not at the level ... 
Time for spring cleaning
I just wanted to chime in on this theme. From my leftover equipment which I have not passed on to friends and relatives or sold on Audiogon, I put together this pocket home theater system, which is set up in front of my exercise bike(!!): Sony 20"... 
Time for spring cleaning
I have been spring cleaning on Audiogon since january and have sold about 15 pieces of equipment I wasn't using, plus various interconnects and speaker cables. All in all, I netted $18,000 for everything. Unfortunately, instead of maintaining my l... 
Tax time
Oh, by the way, one of my purchases went to a fellow who needed cash by April 1 to pay his taxes! He parted with a brand new EAD DVD player, I parted with most of my refund. 
Tax time
I was not planning on a refund but somehow ended up with a $3000 unexpected one. The same morning I filed my return, I logged on Audiogon and so far have spent $2400 of it. I have not yet received a penny. I too, like another poster, vowed to redu...