
Responses from sc53

4 amps, 1 HT receiver, 1 processor, 3 laser disc players, 3 DVD players, 3 CD players, 2 turntables, 3 TVs, 6 tuners (I collect the old ones), 2 preamps, 6 pr speakers, 3 subs, 3 VCRs, 2 tape decks, all more or less in use in different systems. Mu... 
Alternative feet for LINN LP-12
I'm putting my LP-12 w/Trampolin and everything else on a Sistrum rack, which uses Audiopoints under each component. I've only just installed it today, so I can't yet comment on the sound or the difference from the standard Linn feet. Musicdoc, wh... 
what to upgrade
Like some others here, I think the speakers are the LAST thing to upgrade. And I wouldn't upgrade a preamp if I only had funds to upgrade one component. First thing to upgrade is your power amp; then your CD player. You should look into getting a ... 
What is sound floor
I use a Bright Star Little Rock slab on my very lightweight components to mash them tightly against the Black Diamond Racing Cones, Audiopoints, or Goldmund cones that I use underneath them. My lightweight components are a New Tjoeb CD player, a c... 
How do people dust their systems?
PLEASE just remember to be SUPER careful when dusting your turntable!! There are so many disaster stories (the subject of other threads on this site) stemming from the simple and sensible idea of cleaning up the turntable base but ending up in a D... 
Unbelievable Solid State Amp at 2-3k ran
Why hasn't anyone mentioned the Ayre V3? Super bass, fantastic midrange, sparkling highs, very reasonable used price < $2000. For $400, you can upgrade any Ayre V3 that doesn't have it to the Ayre Conditioner for improved power filtering. The V... 
Why are EMC-1 s being dumped on market?
Mezmo, don't apologize for being attracted to the EMC-1's looks! I too did some looking for one simply because it looked beautiful. Then I found one this past January for a good price used and snatched it up. It is the best CD player I have ever o... 
buyers/sellers that DEFAULT on contract
Metaphysics, I know EXACTLY what you mean, lately I have had several "confirmed" buyers, who said money order was going to be sent, addresses exchanged, one guy had me waiting at my house for 3 hrs so he could pick up in person the cables I "sold"... 
Cartridge Setup?
But please review a pretty funny recent thread on "Breaking my Blue Point Special" before you try to set up your cartridge. Many many people are all thumbs when it comes to the delicate maneuvers required to plug in the tiny leads and carefully ad... 
Linn Ikemi vs. Electro. EMC1 vs. 508.24
Had the Meridian 566.24 and 500 (equivalent to the 508.24) and bought the EMC-1 to replace them. Never looked back. The EMC-1 is the most analogue-like CD player I have ever heard, I absolutely love it. I mostly listen to jazz, small scale classic... 
buyers/sellers that DEFAULT on contract
I've had a lot of people change their minds for various reasons after "committing" to a deal, but since they let me know ASAP and seemed to be honest, decent people, I haven't left bad feedback or anything. No funds or equipment had yet changed ha... 
Does sub cable also have to be high end?
For hand-soldered and terminated DH Labs cables, call Jeff at Value Audio (831-464-3864). He hand-made some BL-1 cables for me in different lengths and did a beautiful job. Plus prices are great. 
What SS amp has the fastest warm-up time
My Ayre V3 sounds great immediately from turn-on. It's a 100-watt SS amp that puts out BIG sound. 
Linn/ tonearm cables
Hi, I had my dealer put in a Cardas balanced phono interconnect that I got with my Ayre K3 preamp and that Ayre recommends for phono source. It was a bit hard to mount, but the dealer succeeded and I like the sound into the K3 very much. 
High Quality FM Tuner - Advice
Just a follow-up on my earlier post: you might also want to check out the vintage Marantz solid state tuners available on Audiogon and other places (eBay,, because they are CHEAP (under $500), some are in excell...