
Discussions sbrownnw has started

pro-ject tube box 2, vincent pho-8, jasmine LP2mk21560416
Reduced analog posts and items for sale here?542727
VPI Traveler vs Pro-ject Xpression III?3651335
the way turntable recs and evals are made here23583
most dependable wood ish plinth vintage manual TT22601
wall rack and different shelf materials under TT525014
wall rack and different shelf materials under TT17370
can I damage my LPs by using a DJ setup -no scatch22306
ok to break in phono preamp w/ non lp source?504112
Traveler or Scout?208159
At what vol level do you get rumble / flutter?2750735
integrated shootout - Audio Refi, SimAudio or Edge74159
All Audio Refinement ints have channel bleed?32716
Redmond, WA analog only - any interest?27772
Best FM antenna around $5040289