

Responses from sbank

Getting good sound from MacBook via DAC.
@rritcher email sent.@ghosthouse You raise some good questions/issues, sorry for long reply:Yes, the Aries Mini has many convenience features built-in, but the sound quality won't be up to the same standard because many of those conveniences are i... 
Oppo 105D high frequencey sizzling issue anyone help me suggesting a mod that i can do or?
Scott, FWIW, the outputs of the 105 aren't truly balanced. Going single ended shouldn't make a big difference. Did you try a different pair of XLR cables? It could be something as simple as a lose ground wire inside your cables. Did you try a diff... 
Getting good sound from MacBook via DAC.
@ghosthouse @mgattmch You guys are one small step away. I have been basically where you both are. Replace the MacBook Air or the Aries Mini with Sonore microRendu with a linear power supply and you will not believe how much improvement you will ge... 
Speaker choice advise requested...
@beernut You are fortunate that JohnnyR, one of the most experienced and well respected dealers in the business, has offered you gear specific advice based on his actual experience with that gear. Report back after trying the resistors and certain... 
Which is better Coax or Optical cables
If OP intends to add a DAC with 105D, he should use USB not coax or optical because 105D can handle native DSD only via the digital USB input on the rear of the unit(not the USB input on the front!). When I did so, I found an improvement also addi... 
Getting good sound from MacBook via DAC.
You aren't doing anything wrong, iTunes sound quality sucks, as mentioned the power supply on your mac doesn't help, spinning discs in your computer add noise,and it all adds up to not great sound. You can go a few routes, and all is far from lost... 
What do I Need in Order to Stream digital content and Store & Play CD's ?
Read the 2part Sonore microRendu review on computeraudiophile site before you do anything. I agree with @jond that ripping your CDs, storing them on a NAS(e.g. Synology or QNAP) and streaming to your DAC is the way to go. Don't let any unfamiliar ... 
Speaker choice advise requested...
First off, gear between speakers will hurt the imaging of any system especially in a small space. Maggies will do better away from the wall, but so will most dynamic speakers and all the ones you list. You might want to search for speakers that ar... 
Jico SAS vs Neo-SAS(S) vs Neo-SAS(R)
Very interesting, Henry, thank you for evaluating & sharing those observations!Just out of curiosity, did you happen to test resonance with these styli/cantilvers vs. the original SAS? Guessing that since you heard no differences that complian... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
@avanti1960  I wouldn't be too worried about the dynamics based on my comparison of ART9 to XX2, both were great in that regard and I would assume superior to the 20XL2. Both were fully broken-in when I heard them. @pani Thanks for clarifying. Nic... 
Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...
@pani Is your system posted? If not, please do.  Also, please explain the rationale for your suggestion to slowly lower VTF over a few months, as I've never heard any remotely similar concept. Cheers,Spencer 
Rushton's DIY approach to ultrasonic record cleaning published by Positive Feedback
So I've finally got my Ultrasonic cleaning routine ship-shape. Wanting to do the post ultrasonic cleaning rinses as in the original article, but having sold my VPI 16.5, I decided to make a DIY manual spinning rinse platform. I'm lucky to have a c... 
Turn table for my kid???
Whichever table you choose, be sure to get a MM cartridge with a readily available replacement stylus slide-on assembly. With my college kid wanting a table I knew that a $10 replacement cantilever/stylus for her Shure cart will never be an issue.... 
Experimenting with reversing polarity to speakers
IMHO, the bigger quicker question and another worthwhile experiment is checking to see if the polarity of the drivers on any multi-way dynamic speaker are in polarity with each other. Using a "Cricket" device and test CD, you can play test signal ... 
Why don't you answer the questions raised in the replies by describing the rest of your system, how it's setup in the room (including dimensions) and let people try to give you some meaningful suggestions? Vandys can rock pretty well IMHE, this mi...