
Responses from sandstone

Wit's end with Gallo 3.1s
This may sound odd, but as another option to try, I've actually heard of the Gallo's being used in a corner placement. This might even allow you to get away with a bit closer wall location. Be sure to diffuse the first wall reflection as mentioned... 
Most underrated composer of 20th Century?
Harry Partch, who not only was a prolific composer but also developed his own instruments and microtonal scales should also be included in any list of the "underappreciateds". 
any diffrence between triangle celius es and 202?
Go for the Celius ESW if you can find one, or the ES. Triangle Electroacoustique continued to evolve this speaker line in positive ways over time. Flatter responses over freq. range, better ceramic tweeters, tighter bass. 
A gallo reference sub amp or second subwoofer?
Brad, thanks for taking the extra time and bandwidth to share your results. Glad it worked out so well. ..and just in time for the Holidays! 
Intractable Problem
Sorry you're having a problem, especially during this season of great music. Since one speaker is only playing at 5% relative volume, that likely rules out sound cancellation effects as the culprit.It wasn't completely clear from your post that yo... 
"Like" button for posts
There's actually an informal system in use here to signify just what you mention... e.g.,+1 RJA, Yogiboy. 
Subwoofer for Beginner
HSU Research specializes in subs and has good return policies/user support. The VTF-1 Mk2 is very musical, well reviewed and on special direct from site for $419. 
hp desk top
ITunes does not play well AT ALL with Windows. Since your library is in ALAC format, Get the free Foobar software media manager with ALAC decoder module, and activate one of the better software audio drivers (included) such as WASAPI Event. If at ... 
New DSD DAC. Recommendations please
Re: "Make sure to get a DSD Dac that can play DSD128."Bigger is better, right? So why would Charlie Hanson of Ayre Acoustics, a company whose components typically retail in the $5-$10k range, opt for single-rate DSD in his latest upgrade? Check ou... 
A gallo reference sub amp or second subwoofer?
Is that the Gallo Reference 3 amp? If so, I would definitely go with that option, giving you integrated stereo bass down to 22 Hz. 
choose a DAC to complete my system
Pelo911, looks like you're getting similar advice on your other threads as well regarding adverse effects of your room setup. I know it's hard to resist, but it may be better (and less costly) to wait until moving into your new place and getting a... 
Preamp suggestion for Class d Audio sds 470c
The Jeff Rowland Capri, at around $2k used, should be included on your list. BTW, J Rowland was one of the first high end designers to adopt Class D. 
24/192 Music Downloads and why they make no sense
This topic has been addressed ad nauseum for years. Yet, despite millions of folks who obviously DO hear and appreciate the increased fidelity of hi-res PCM and DSD, this kind of pseudoscience article continues to float around.The primary fallacy ... 
Add DAC or mod player?
The Chord Qute may be a very good choice. Among other things, it seems to have reclocking to hopefully manage the very high jitter that you can expect from the CD transport. You could also leave your Arcam attached to the digital coax input while ... 
New DSD DAC. Recommendations please
Ayre Acoustics has just released an upgrade to their QB-9 DAC that you may find very interesting. It uses the ESS Sabre Reference chip and implements DSD, and designer Charles Hanson asserts that high res PCM sounds equally as great.The original Q...