
Responses from samzx12

Audio Refinement complete or Nad C370 ?
Audio Refinement. 
Paradigm studio 80's to harsh, Parasound HCA-3500
Maybe consider a Plinius SA100MKIII with a tube preamp. 
Who else prefers 5751s and why?
Yes the 5751's made a huge difference in my Jolida CDP. 
Who else prefers 5751s and why?
They have replaced all my 12AX7's with noticable improvement. Mine are the triple mica black plates. 
Mark Levinson ML29
I got to hear my buddies ML29 last week. Believe it or not it sounds better than my Plinius SA100MKIII in my system. Let me say that again...In my system. I know alot of people would not agree but there is something magical about this 50 wpc amp. ... 
Mark Levinson ML29
Anyone :) 
Life beyond Jolida?
Maybe try the Jolida JD-1000 integrated. I had one and swapped out tubes and really liked it. NOS tubes do make a big difference as I have GE 5751 Triple Mica black plated in my JD100 CDP. 
BAT VK-200, Plinius SA100 MK3, or Levinson 27.5?
My source is a Proceed CDD transport mated to a Levinson #36 dac and Cardas Quadlink cabling. My speakers are Tyler Acoustic reference system. They are a new line by Ty consisting of SEAS 10" and 7" bass and midrange drivers and a Scanspeak Revela...