

Responses from sagger

Biggest hype-worst tweak
I know some people swear by it, but I found the Bedini Ultra Clarifier to make absolutly NO sonic improvement. It's built cheesy & on winter days when there is a lot of static any small shock would set the damn thing off spinning on it's own. ... 
Options besides the PS Audio Powerplants
Onhwy61...RCprince is right, get the PS Audio power plant. You won't be sorry. Most likely the reason your seeing all these other units on the market is because people are replacing them with power plants. 
PS Audio Multiwave-good or bad?
No... It's the PS Audio power plants (cleans up your power coming in) that we are referring to. Models P-300, P-600, P-1200 ect. You can upgrade by adding the multiwave option. If you don't have a power plant you should get one. You won't be sorry... 
PS Audio Multiwave-good or bad?
Jim, Tony, Glremo & Rcprince...Thanks so much for describing your experiences in such detail. One thing I'm a little confused on is the PS2 setting. What is it? I'm assuming Sin mode is the original mode (you know...less multiwave). Also it ma... 
PS Audio Multiwave
Sean: I post all this fuss as you call it because that's what these threads are suppose to be about. In other words a freedom to express your opinion in reference to the topic, which is what I've done. If you don't like my opinion, your free to ex... 
PS Audio Multiwave
Lihifiguy: It's not a matter of having respect for PS Audio's R&D. I just don't like being hosed. Futhermore, if you new anything about manufacturing you would realize to create a new so called P-3000 would be very expensive to tool up (not to... 
PS Audio Multiwave
Drubin: I guess we don't see eye to eye...There a hake of a lot more SOFTWARE technology & developement time in the original P300 as opposed to the multiwave. Sorry, believe what you want, but in my opinion there is no way that the multiwave u... 
PS Audio Multiwave
Hifisam...I see what your saying, but I think your missing my point. Think of the cost of all the components that go into making the P300. Then add the cost of assembly. The P300 retails for $995.00. PS Audio is charging an additional $250.00 for ... 
PS Audio Multiwave
I own the P300 myself & must admit am extremely pleased with it. One thing that bothers me though, is when a manufacturer who has a relatively new product is already upgrading it. In addition, the multiwave may offer great sonic improvements (... 
Speaker Cable Recommendation
You may be pressed to find such a Goddess!!!! 
Speaker Cable Recommendation
Keep on pluggin Pops... I know exactly what your talkin about. I put in a play room for the kids down stairs last year. Of course, my long term secret intention of use is that it will eventually be my dedicated room for audio(shhhh... don't tell a... 
Speaker Cable Recommendation
Carl: Point well taken. My guess is your single. I'm married with kids, so compromise is a BIG part of my life. I've been an audiophile for about 25 years now. When I first got married I got out of it. I've been back into it for about 8 years now.... 
Speaker Cable Recommendation
"nhorton" Thanks for the monoblock suggestion, however I have the wife factor here. All my equipment must be concealed in a antique cabinet. In fact, that's the reason for the long speaker cable run. I had to snake the wires down through the cella... 
Speaker Cable Recommendation
"Carl-eber" Thank you for your candid response. It's much appreciated. Because I need such a long run (24ft), it's to costly to try every cable out there(cableguys only give credit not money back on long runs because they consider them specials). ... 
Speaker Cable Recommendation
"Carl-eber" Could you be more specific as to why you don't like the analysis plus oval 9? I've heard nothing but good things about it & was considering trading my A.Q. midnight III. Please advise. [