
Responses from sabai

Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
I just got my PowerCell 10SE and will connect it tomorrow when my electrician arrives to install a 20-amp dedicated line from the power pole directly into my music room. In the meantime I have installed MiGs under my step-down transformer, CDP and... 
Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?
Flashunlock, you have a lot more experience in the cable department than I do. I would very much appreciate if you could give me your opinion about 2 ICs. I am using the GG Reflection ICs (XLR) from my Marantz PM-15 to EMM. Do you think the SR Aco... 
Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?
Flashunlock, 100 hours for the fuse to break in? I had no idea. So it gets even better. Well, this is a pleasant surprise. Thanks for the tip about turning the fuse around. I'll try it. And thanks for the tip about how to connect the cables to the... 
Synergistic Research Acoustic ART analogue room tr
Lolligager, very well put. 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Sutts, I second that emotion. I am using the GG Reflection PC, SCs and ICs, as well as other non-GG cabling. Also, changing the stock EMM fuse to the Furutech T2A (green) has made a big improvement but adding EVS Ground Enhancers and Synergistic R... 
Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?
Flashunlock, the Furutech T2A green fuse is now installed in my EMM and I must say the improved clarity is quite amazing right off the bat even with no power conditioner at the moment. Thank you for the hot tip. I have disposed of my old power con... 
Vibration control devices for EMM CDSA.
I have a silk cushion under mine. It works nicely. I will be getting SR MiGs soon that will replace the cushion and I'll let you know how they work out. I am also using 4 Totem beaks on top -- one near each corner -- with very good results. 
Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?
Flashunlock, thanks for letting me know. I'll check this out. 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Hi Steve, I think this has me just as baffled as you. I can't explain the changes but my ears bear witness to them. I might mention that my hearing is excellent. I always protected myself from loud concert music when I was young by sitting in the ... 
Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?
Flashunlock, thanks very much for this link. Very informative. I have a question. I live in a country where there is no ground in domestic wiring. So I imagine getting a Tara wire with the Ground Station would be a waste of money. I'm not in the m... 
Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?
Flashunlock, any ideas or experience about the difference between the Tara Zero Gold XLR IC versus the Tara Zero Onyx XLR IC? I can't find any comments anywhere about the sonic differences between these cables. 
Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?
Hi Steve, I will be adding the SR PowerCell 10SE to my system in a couple of weeks with the Precision Reference PC and Galileo MPC. I am an irrepressible tweaker. So, in the meantime, I have been busy tweaking -- the result of which is that the Ga... 
Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?
Flashunlock, thanks for letting me know. Do you know how the Onyx compares to the Zero? I can't find your email address. How do I email you? 
Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?
Flashunlock, it looks like I'll be able to get the fuses from either Singapore or Thailand. Do you have any experience with the Tara Zero Gold XLR IC versus the Tara Zero Onyx XLR IC? 
Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?
Flashunlock, looks like the Thailand distributor is able to order for me so I should have them next month. I'll keep you posted. I don't know why my two postings that I sent through yesterday are not showing up in this string.