
Responses from sabai

SS amp for Merlin VSMs?
I have found that my amplifier is just the beginning of the story with my Merlins. Too much emphasis is placed on the amplifier here without talking about the synergy of the Merlins with cabling and plugs, IMHO. The amplifier does not stand alone ... 
SS amp for Merlin VSMs?
Arj, this sounds to me like it could be be a cable problem, not a problem with the speakers, per se, IMHO. Out of the box I was disappointed with my Merlins until I chose the right cabling and plugs for them. Now they sound amazing. If you feed th... 
SS amp for Merlin VSMs?
Rgs2, I have the Merlin TSM mmi monitors and the highs are not too aggressive in my system. I do a lot of tweaking, as you know. 
Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?
I have done more tweaking of my EMM that greatly enhances the improved 3D effect of putting ICs in series. Those who would like the details can PM me. 
Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?
Anyone who would like information about the amazing results obtained by putting 2 XLR ICs in series from my EMM to my integrated amp can PM me. 
Synergistic Research Acoustic ART analogue room tr
I find it amusing that some people speak with authority about audio equipment they have not even experienced. 
Tweaks for EMM CDSA SE ... ?
Rgs2, I have just piggy-backed two ICs from my EMM to my integrated amp. I am tired of answering spam -- from others, not you -- so please PM me if you would like the details. 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Hi Tbg, sorry for the confusion. I have a 20-amp dedicated line from the pole outside the house for my music system. My Tesla Plex is my in-wall receptacle. My electrician installed my Tesla Plex SE into the Tesla Plex using a stock copper line te... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Hi Violin, I don't have a Hologram D in my system so I cannot comment. All I know is that the PowerCell SE (with Precision Reference power cord and Galileo MPC) has made a huge difference in my system -- sound stage, low level detail, dynamics. Ba... 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
Hi Bacardi, I have the new Precision Reference plugged into the PowerCell 10SE and the Galileo PMC. There are 3 circuits -- silver, gray and black. I can't compare with the previous line but Ted Denney says that they were using the equivalent of t... 
Blind Shoot-out in San Diego -- 5 CD Players
Tvad, I agree. Each player was " ... potentially capable of sounding much better than they did at the shoot-out." 
Blind Shoot-out in San Diego -- 5 CD Players
Magnumpi205, if you read my postings carefully you will see the purpose. They have not elicited this discussion for no reason. Mceljo, I have never stated or implied that "listening to [my] system will reveal the way a single component within the ... 
Blind Shoot-out in San Diego -- 5 CD Players
Mceljo, what I am saying is that if, for example, you hear the EMM in a blind shoot-out and the sound is 2-dimensional and it is dismissed as not being capable of sounding 3-dimensional, but in another system it produces 3-dimensional sound then o... 
Blind Shoot-out in San Diego -- 5 CD Players
Jafox, sorry to have to correct you again. If you re-read my earlier posting closely you will see that the you have misquoted me. Your quote is not a quote from my posting. I never said "... world class 3D layering ..." anywhere in my posting. My ... 
Blind Shoot-out in San Diego -- 5 CD Players
Jafox, I note that in an earlier posting on this thread you characterized the EMM used in the shoot-out (not the EMM CDSA SE that I own) as " ... a dimensionally flat component ... ". Would you care to elaborate on this? Are you implying that the ...