
Responses from rsjm80

Any ideas?? ARC CD 3 doesn't work
A quick follow up... I took in the CD 3 Mk@ and the tech told me that in the past week to 2 he has gotten swamped suddenly with all different equipment that has trouble, which leads me to believe that it may has sourced from the grid it's self, ju... 
Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...
Sabi, In some cases I might agree with you but, you are also comparing Apples and Oranges in much the same light that you would compare a 1970's Hemi to todays Hell Cat Hemi but, one does it subjectivetly different from the other. Both do exactly ... 
Any ideas?? ARC CD 3 doesn't work
Thanks, I called both ARC yesterday and a Tech here that also works on ARC and I'm hoping it's nothing more than a fuse but, its going in for evaluation and I'll let you know what they find out. I sure hope that it's really next to nothing as I am... 
how much did you ever spend on a cable?
$650 for Ridge Street Poemia IC 
Best XLR IC's for around $300/pair?
I've been using Grover Huffman's SX balanced for some time now and I can tell you this is a great IC! Thru my rig I have great bass response, excellent mids and sparkling highs with excellent extensions thru out the entire audio range for me. The ... 
Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs...
Ie & Sabai Let me only (and respectfully) 2nd the opinion the opinion of Mofimadness in disagreement. 
$10K or less speakers for 20x20 rm with open back
SeanileYou mentioned an "open back to the kitchen" of your room and I believe that it deserves some attention as well in order to achieve the best sound that you can without compromising your expenditures. I have a much smaller room that has an op... 
What happen??
Djohnson54 Right now my budget is very tight as I'm recovering from surgery and just don't have the need for anything that has multipul outlets as I'd then have to cut my PCs and have them shortened to contend with cord lengths and I'd much prefer... 
What happen??
Thanks so far your responses. I have never before had anything like this ever happen and it spooked me big time!I had looked into Shunyata and PS Audio but (There's ALWAYS a but!) recently financial things have happen and other personal issues. El... 
Thoughts on Clear Day vs Grover Huffman SC's?
Newbie, I have Grover's cables in my system as my reference and yes while I agree with Mcondon BUT only to the point that Grover's cables were a bit lean ONLY DURING THIER INITIAL BREAK IN (maybe the 1st 100 hrs)but I have Apogee Slant 6s that I l... 
Is it speakers or my rock/metal music? Plus help ?
might I also add that part of your distaste might stem from the CD player that is being used. There has also been many posts concerning "pre ringing" and tininess as you've expressed and cables can also be a way of taming this (or at least some of... 
Tubes-Suffer for Sound CD??????
Seditious3 Thanks I didn't even think about that (for some unknown reason) but I'll ask. 
Tubes-Suffer for Sound CD??????
Reubent, I've seen the Tubes on at least 8 occasions now the last being a couple of years ago at a club here in Rochester, NY (and I still watch for 'em coming again) and I can tell you if I had the chance I'd be there again without any doubts! Th... 
Best sounding integrated between $1500-$3000
My vote is the Classe CAP 151. I Have been using it for some time now and makes my Apogee Slants sing. The Classe is very neutral and non fatiguing, a great value in a SS integrated (imo) 
Room treatments on the ceiling?
Don't forget Michael Green's Room Tune products, they are very effective!