
Responses from rsjm80

Int. Amp Recommendation
I've got a Classe CAP 151 and I'm delighted with the sound with my gear, it looks good and itsounds great as well's 
Speaker Recommendations
Phous, I agree with Teajay but I would suggest Apogee or Peigrees (if you acess to them) also there's nothing like planars! 
Need Help with Cable/Interconnect Recommendations
Wow, nice equipment! I would say that IC and Sp upgrades will make a big difference for you but I also would seriously steer you tword vibration conrtol as well. The change in your sound will startle you when you also turn to vibration control but... 
Dedicated CD Player Recommendation
I've got an Audio Research CD 2 and it also might just be what you're looking for. With your digital glare you also might consider an IC change with the correted ICs your music can be the magic you're seeking. I've got aged ears also and Robert @ ... 
How Long Did it Take to Burn In a new piece?
Teajay,Equipment and or cable break in is dependant on the sorcing of the materials used in thier construction (but basiclly most are composed with high quality to start with). I have recently upgraded my system and even though the componets had b... 
General transport Question
I have to add my 2 cents here, in the past I used a Denon/Proceed combo with very nice results then I upgraded to a Proceed Transport/PS Audio that was great for presentation and depth. The main point that was drilled at me was to isolate to contr... 
PC differences
Been my direction and opinion that the PS Audio line conditioners unless I went big wouldn't benefit me, would make it too bright. I only need a 2 outlet for Integrated amp/Digital front end. My changes through Ridge Street Audio Poeima Sig IC and... 
PC differences
Thanks to both so far, I am in serious conflict between VH Flavor 4, Signal Cable Magic Digital and Cryoparts Beast. Thay all are a great value but it will fall on my ability to manage the funding (even though they seem relitively inexpexsive) and... 
Incremental improvements
Let me throw in my 2 cents here. I recently changed my ICs to Ridge Street Audio Poiema Sig, (and I'm using SS gear), this was a very revealing change (see post in reviews). Now I have been guided by a Very estute teacher in helping me gain tremon... 
Review: Ridge Street Audio Poiema Signiture Interconnect
This is a follow to my original post, I have been able to spend more quality time with my Poiema Signitures and have found my mouth open at the hidden details I never knew existed in my music before this! From Listening to Blondie Autoamerican I w... 
Help with room treatments
Some time ago I realized that I had trouble with my room (I consider it on the small side) I have since then installed Michael Green's Room Tune products, 48" Room Tunes and 4 Corner Tunes, for me they made a sizeable difference. The best option w... 
Should I add a DAC ? Which one ? Never used one?
Al,Have you considered an Isolation system (for far less money) as opposed to a new DAC? If you take into consideration that for a farction of the cost you may very well find your troubles elminated. I myself am in that process for my ARC CD2 and ...