
Responses from rsf507

What is wrong with audiophiles?
@emcdade  “Sounds like a cool party.  We normally just swap wives at my parties and I can’t ever get anyone to do a cable test“.I want to go to your parties! I’ll even bring cables to test. 
Fake Furutech speaker cables?
@nerkin if the cables sound good just enjoy. Maybe us who pay full price are the ones getting ripped off! (OK at least I get 20+ % off)  
Kondo Ongaku needing advise
Nice amp but way to euphoric IMO. Have heard it at least 6-8 times over the years and just couldn’t warm up to it, nor could ever afford one. Sorry to hear of your issue, seems 6500 is way to expensive nor worth the expense of shipping back and fo... 
Are Pass Labs amps probably the best ever you can buy ?
Have to agree with Eric, use YOUR own ears and decide. Pass is not what I find to my liking, although good it can be a bit sterile to me. But to YOU it just might tick off all the boxes. 
B&W 802D3
@maxking agree these speakers shouldn’t require subs IMO. 
B&W 802D3
I have a good friend who bought them a year ago and uses the Mac 452 amps. I’ve heard them many times and don’t think they are bright but he has regretted the purchase. They just don’t engage him (nor me). The bass is ill defined and has no meat o... 
Phono Pre Upgrade from Parasound JC-3?
Look into NVO 
Esoteric used or new?
Try and listen to the new Bricasti M3 DAC. Heard it @ Axpona this year and though it pretty amazing especially compared to it's bigger brother the M1 
What is the best premp for Atma-Sphere MA-1 3.3 amp?
@chungjh are you buying new or lightly used? 
Atma-Sphere MP-3 Mk. 3.3 vs. VAC CPA-1 MK II or Avatar Super - Recommendations
If you want the VERY best sound get the Atmasphere 
Active isolation; what can it do for music reproduction?
Here's a great article by Shannon Dickson of Stereophile back in 1995. I think it was one of the first that looked at vibration effects in audio. 
Considering simplifying my system... talk me down (or whatever)
1st Happy 80th birthday.As many others have stated just enjoy what you have why mess with a good thing if your system checks all your senses.  But if you decide you want to try something do it in your own home and don't sell your current gear unti... 
What is the best premp for Atma-Sphere MA-1 3.3 amp?
@chungjh check out Audioasylum trader there's a sealed MP3 mk3.3 for sale.  
What is the best premp for Atma-Sphere MA-1 3.3 amp?
Atmasphere MP3 would be perfect match for an Atmasphere amp. I find the 6SN7 tubes in any pre to sound fantastic. I've been using an MP3 for a while without a hiccup. 
Customs fees Canada = > USA
I’ve had items (cables, roller blocks and platforms) shipped to me from Canada and I’ve shipped into Canada via USPS and never had Customs fees applied. Shipping via Canada post the same.