Responses from rsf507
Where Do I Go from Here? Just enjoy more music. Although I'm not a fan of McIntosh and since you love your new Bricasti pieces (ok I'm a bit envious) maybe consider a Bricasti amp. That's the route I would pursue. | |
Humour I have a friend that writes sings songs about sewing machines. He's a singer/songwriter Or sew it seams | |
Is There Some Problem With Shunyata's Everest Power Conditioner Haven't heard this yet but love all Furutech items. Have heard it's predisesor the PurePower 6 and while out of my price range it was amazing. | |
Is There Some Problem With Shunyata's Everest Power Conditioner Friend had one and he was underwhelmed. Sold it not sure what he got but will check with him and get back to this thread. | |
DCS Sending Legal Notice To Reviewer (Golden Sound) Over an Old Review of Their Bartok DAC +1@grislybutter | |
DCS Sending Legal Notice To Reviewer (Golden Sound) Over an Old Review of Their Bartok DAC @audition_audio but who even cares/reads ASR reviews! | |
Experience purchasing a used high-end cartridge I've bought 2 used cartridges from my local dealer, Sounds Of Silence, with terrible excitement and always the items were as described. No issues just good music. | |
Okki Nokki or kirmuss audio / isonic ultrasonic rcm? I had a Kirmuss and while it cleaned records fine it was a PITA to use. Has like 25 steps so it becomes a real chore and only after I cleaned 7 or 8 records it just sat and I never used it. Sold it and would never us a Kirmuss again. | |
Need Advice Asap - Terrible experience with a seller on Reverb (Iso Acoustics Gaia ii) OP please inform the Agon community who this seller is so we can avoid him/her. | |
Are Pass Labs XA60.8 mono amps enough? Agree with your analogy but most in this hobby and especially at your level look to get another 1% maybe 2% and if lucky 3-4% improvement out of their next upgrade. You asked the question and have choices. | |
Are Pass Labs XA60.8 mono amps enough? Agree with @pennfootball71 your speakers deserve better. Maybe a Soulution amp? Bricasti M28’s? Or Gryphon. So many choices. Yes Pass are good but.... | |
Recommend an MC cartridge @dwcda would like to see those issues regarding SoundSmith. Maybe a customer had an issue but if Peter L didn't resolve the issue well that would totally surprise me. | |
Recommend an MC cartridge @rhg3 +1 for SoundSmith cartridges | |
4Point9 vs. OL Conqueror vs. Vertere Super Groove HB I've heard the 4Point9 at my dealers over 20 times with many different cartridges. Sound is always amazing and the difference in cartridges is easily heard. It will be my next arm. | |
Discount on Internet order I'd really be interested in hearing what piece of gear @dwcda is referring to. Has it been discontinued? B stock? Open box? Dealer demo? Curious minds would like to know |