
Responses from rsf507

Was not impressed with the PS Audio speakers   
Axpona 2023
Yup heard your room and it was ok, last year with the smaller Alta Dave speakers sounded much better IMO.   
The best speaker cables you’ve had
Own: Audiomica Labs  
2023 AXPONA Show Report
Sorry @rick2000 but while the Clarisys speakers were good the Borresen Acoustics M3 Reference speakers were IMO in another world and best of show. Not even a contest.   
Looking for Tonearm Advice/Suggestions
@andrehighend I find it very difficult comparing tonearms. Dealers may have different tables with different arms and different cartridges so not easy telling what is what IMO  
Tonearms without anti-skate, damage to records?
@dover I prefer weight on a string  Can you explain how you determine the 25 - 30% via this method?  
Franco Serblin Ktêma Loudspeakers
@dayglow agree but on Saturday they were using the large PP 100+ watt Air Tight monos, much better control of the bass, better slam, sounded like a totally different speaker compared to the SE monos used Sunday    
Franco Serblin Ktêma Loudspeakers
@garebear can I ask what you bought instead of the Ketma speakers?  
Axpona 2023
Ares Cerat tank-sized boxes again. Last year just listening to the sales guy in the room was such a turn off I must say I hate that line. OMG that guy was such an a$$hole! He kept saying how he knew what good sound sounded like. You would never... 
What record cleaner is the most bang for the buck??
Look at the Keith Monks Prodigy, I believe they start at $1000 and go to around $2000. No Re-Contamination and quiet and fairly quick.  
Tonearms without anti-skate, damage to records?
@elliottbnewcombjr +1 so correct AS is very important. Just was at Axpona and went to a lecture by JR of Wallytools who showed videos of the cantilever movement with and without AS applied. Unbelievable how the cantilever vibrated back and forth w... 
2023 AXPONA Show Report
Also agree with treepmeyer and driftingbunnies Fritz/Atma-Sphere didn't really sound very special just ok. Most rooms were just ok which is understandable for show conditions but there were some standout rooms so if you take your time you can get ... 
Kumza Stabi S or Rega P10 ??
Kuzma too dull Not my experience at all. With the right cartridge and arm Kuzma tables have so much life and energy when the music calls for it.  
Vinyl static ionizers who's used them?
when using the DS Audio ION-001 Vinyl ionizer or the CS Port Static Eliminator IME1 upon removing the record from the platter. I’ll bet the static charge is back. Yes I'm sure the static would return when removing the LP but at that point who c... 
2023 AXPONA Show Report
Clarisys Audio in room 352 didn't sound good, no depth and lack of controlled bass. Now the same speakers in room 676 were outstanding. Transparent, quick, clean, musical and high energy. If I had only heard them in room 352 I would have dismissed...