
Responses from rsf507

Avantgarde or Tonian?
Ggavetti what don't you like about the Ocellia sound? I think any PHY based speaker is the more musical speaker over the avantgarde speaker. The avantgardes are good sounding speakers but more hi-fi sounding than musical and in the long run the To... 
Avantgarde or Tonian?
Ggavetti what don't you like about the Ocellia sound? I think any PHY based speaker is the more musical speaker over the avantgarde speaker. The avantgardes are good sounding speakers but more hi-fi sounding than musical and in the long run the To... 
Avantgarde or Tonian?
Ggavetti what don't you like about the Ocellia sound? I think any PHY based speaker is the more musical speaker over the avantgarde speaker. The avantgardes are good sounding speakers but more hi-fi sounding than musical and in the long run the To... 
Avantgarde or Tonian?
Ggavetti what don't you like about the Ocellia sound? I think any PHY based speaker is the more musical speaker over the avantgarde speaker. The avantgardes are good sounding speakers but more hi-fi sounding than musical and in the long run the To... 
Do Thiel dealers discount?
EVERY dealer will discount, I haven't found one that would not. It's a new world out there with the Internet, dealers know it and they either will learn to play or be gone IMHO. 
Aesthetix Rhea?
Have had same experience as Syntax, noisy and I tried many tubes but could not get noise to go away, this was several years ago so have not tried a newer version, just not worth the trouble IMHO. 
Review: New Valve Order SPA II Tube preamp
I've heard the SPA against the Kondo M-7 phono at the dealers and just wow, what a difference the SPA was. So much more "you are there" quality. The Kondo was dark and no life. And at a fraction of the cost. 
Ocellia cables IC why not much talk?
Charlesdad, nice to see another converter to Ocellia. Yes once heard its hard to imagine another cable that has that "naturalness" that Ocellia brings to the table. Yes other cables might have deeper bass, more control but none do what I hear in t... 
PAD Aqueous Aureus or 20th Anniversary Aqueous
I've only heard the original Provectus vs the newer Provectus Praesto and can tell you there is a HUGE difference between the two cables. Go for the newer one if at all possible. 
PAD Aqueous Aureus or 20th Anniversary Aqueous
I've only heard the original Provectus vs the newer Provectus Praesto and can tell you there is a HUGE difference between the two cables. Go for the newer one if at all possible. 
Brinkmann tonearms & cartridges thoughts?
No experience or thoughts from anyone? 
Purist Audio Design Character and tone
how far up the line? 
Shindo + Lowther?
Agree with Team that the PHY driver is a far more neural top to ottom driver than Lowther. It also extends much lower than any Lowther and you may not feel the need for a sub. 
Do not buy any Sonus Faber used
I've had bad customer service from Sumiko that this statement on their web site just seals the coffin tight! Stay away from anything Sumiko does should be the message IMHO. 
Gingko Cloud 9 Scoutmaster
had one a loooooong time ago and didn't work under my TT, thought it blurrred images and the bass got sloppy, sold it.