
Responses from rsf507

Real or Surreal. Do you throw accuracy out the window for "better" sound?
That Luxury HiFi stuff is the equivalent of a HiFi Rolex and IMHO a waste of money.  Yes it is but IMO not a waste of $$ if you have the means and makes one happy. I'd love to own/buy Boulder gear but I'm just a poor working soul that has to su... 
CD Transport
Since you already own the Bricasti dac just curious why not their new transport?  
Real or Surreal. Do you throw accuracy out the window for "better" sound?
When I'm at a concert I don't hear precise locations of each instrument but can tell their decay easily. In a home system I'm trying to get all the small details as I can that to me makes listening more enjoyable. So I'd take hyper detail but not ... 
Bricasti M1SE DAC vrs Meitner MA3
OP is the Bricasti M1SE the newest mkII version?  
Bricasti M3 vrs Meitner MA3
I think both units are world-class. The Meitner MA3 I believe is $10,500 with streamer while the Bricasti M3 is $7000 with streamer. I've owned the Bricasti and couldn't be happier myself. It's clean, detailed and never etched sounding but has all... 
The latest audiophile streamer craze
I place Aluminum Foil Behind my ears!    
What do/did you do for a living?
Ozzy all it will take is maybe 2.5 inches of space!   
High Fidelity Cables?
@tranchautuan doesn't matter where you live he has to ship the cables outside his own Country anyways. Offer to pay ONLY for shipping charges until you can hear the new cable to see if it's worth spending more money. Otherwise do not send more mon... 
High Fidelity Cables?
@tranchautuan I would tell you NOT to send any funds for his new cables but ask to have his new cable shipped to you for a demo. If after a week or two they seem better than what you have then you decide. Simple and both parties are winners  
High Fidelity Cables?
@tranchautuan I think you are getting the run around to be frank. From my understanding Rick was the owner of HFC and moved from the USA to Canada because of some sort of passport issues. Don't know all the circumstances but at this point I would ... 
Telos Mini Quantum Resonator (MQR) & Puron Filter together
@joenies have you tried the Telos Mini-Q? BTW nice turntables!  
Telos Mini Quantum Resonator (MQR) & Puron Filter together
My 2nd Telos Mini-Q while not giving me the big improvement the 1st one did is still worth the dollars IMO. I'll try relocating it to near my router and see what that does.  
Integrated Amplifier for Sonus Faber Guarneri Evolution
Have heard the Vitus very dynamic aND great sounding. Have heard a LOT of MAC gear over the years and it has NEVER impressed me, lack of dynamics and no body.    
High Fidelity Cables?
It boggles my mind why people would still do business with this guy after so many have been burned! Don't care how good his cables are.  
Brinkmann Bardo
Looked there but too many variables or no prices shown.