Responses from ronkent
Speaker Suggestions $30K Sasha DAW competitor? I contacted Paul McGowan at PS about some of the covid related comments mentioned above. Here is his response. "No that is no longer true (but it was). We require visitors to be masked. Not vaccinated. | |
PS Audio BHK 600 Like many of the men who responded earlier, I am a big PS fan and have been for many many years. My current system includes much of their gear including a pair of the BHK 300 mono blocks. Those are phenomenal amps and were a big improvement ... | |
Installing Dedicated Power Lines -- Need Advice I do not have a lot to add to this conversation but would like to make two comments:1. i have been using PS power plants for years and they have always been able to take my system up quite a bit in SQ. I am using their P20 right now and consider i... | |
Should I use Speaker Spike / Isolation Base or Something? one suggestion, if you can live with it, is do what i did and cut the carpet completely out from under the speaker. I then took hard wood boards and ran them across bolting them in to the floor joists for a really strong and solid platform. The... | |
Who buy PS AUDIO ? hey Krell_fan, totally agree about the player. it is glitchy but until they come out with a new one, there is no where this bad boy is going. it is fantastic | |
Most recordings you own by a single artist, group, or composer What a great thread. I cannot believe the variety of music that some of you own. the range is inspiring. I too thank all of you for selling your cd collections. I am totally cd oriented except for using Sonos/Spotify at work.At home it is tot... | |
Who buy PS AUDIO ? hi Tomcy61, my P20 may be the most important piece of gear in my setup. | |
Who buy PS AUDIO ? I have been in the audio game since 1975 and used to work in the industry for a few personal opinion is that if a consumer looks at the many variables of build quality, great sound, fantastic customer service, made in the USA, and attitud... | |
You could work for any manufacturer, past or present... In the past it would have been Jim Thiel (especially when his brother Tom was there). In the present, hands down it would be PS Audio. They rock and offer such great products with great customer service. | |
Brave man, McGowan... I want to add a few comments. Anyone who says that " McGowan’s products are way overrated POS!" is either ignorant or has an ax to grind.I have been a strong proponent of their power regenerators since the days of the premier power plant. Have ow... | |
Who has tried one of the PS Audio Power Regenerators? thanks. that is fascinating info. never thought about it | |
Who has tried one of the PS Audio Power Regenerators? hi, i am so pleased to hear about your fantastic results with the Stellar PP. That is great news for those who do not need the larger capacity of the bigger units. I will add that since i wrote my original review of the P15, i went ahead and ... | |
Thiel Owners hi YYZ, like Prof. i have owned both 2.7 and 3.7 (current). i think for your space the 2.7's would do a great job. the drivers sit a bit lower (about 4") and are easier to work with for most listening positions | |
Thiel Owners not a drop of rain. we are marked safe as they say. thank you. | |
Thiel Owners thanks for the recommendation on EC unplugged. |