Responses from rodman99999
Do your ears deceive you? The site has yet another runway builder. May as well try teaching a box of rocks, To sort your socks! | |
Do your ears deceive you? Anyone, actually familiar with Richard Feynman's history, should realize: his Nobel was a result of his work in Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). Most of the theories, on which our beloved audio cables are built, are a direct result of... | |
Do your ears deceive you? There are many posts, worthy of +1s, in this thread. Then: there's the very first post, to which I'll respond. Richard Feynman was addressing a graduating class at Cal Tech, which MAY have contained some FUTURE, "...most brillia... | |
4th of July Music The Star-Spangled Banner and: SEMPER FI | |
Can we create a consensus list of the TONALITY of different amps/preamps/brands? As many have stated, there are way too many variables. +1 ...everyone hears differently. +1 (sub... | |
Weights on top of equipment to dampen vibration SO MANY variables! | |
Shouldn’t Do This, but… @goofyfoot - ... wouldn't just a pair of hospital latex gloves achieve the same purpose? How much insulation (thickness & toughness) would you prefer, between your skin and the (typically) sharp end of an energized, electrical condu... | |
Shouldn’t Do This, but… @goofyfoot - | |
Test CD s, which ones to get. I've got the Ayre CD and value it highly, especially for the Pink, Brown and White Noise tracks. Great (on repeat) for burning/breaking things in. But: whenever test CDs, imaging or soundstage are mentioned, I like to remind people ... | |
1960 Klipsch Heresy Value +1: on keeping anything built by Saul Marantz. I envy you on the acquisition(s). ...however they should be looked at by a competent tech as there are parts that will need to be replaced. Absolutely (especially: an... | |
An argument for fuses and maybe power cables in power amplifier @andy2 - +1 Very little to nothing can be done*; to improve the sound of truly inferior audio components. *nor: To dispel the lingering miasma of a Denyin'tologist and the ... | |
It's the Cicadas! @simao - I've been screaming for sex for years now, but my wife always says it's the cicadas. Stop screaming and try being a cunning linguist*. * SHE'S supposed to do the screaming! ... | |
An argument for fuses and maybe power cables in power amplifier @asvjerry - OH, and: Thenk you, Dr. Whiplash..... ;) Yu're welcome, I thynk? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | |
An argument for fuses and maybe power cables in power amplifier @asvjerry - They know What is What BUT They Don't Know What is What It just suks Funny! AND: a snowflake had me deleted, just recently, for saying, "it's like teaching a box of rocks, to sort your socks!", ... | |
An argument for fuses and maybe power cables in power amplifier The why after market power cords make a difference? Lots of theory... Actual testing using testing equipment? Just my ears. I don’t watch oscilloscope screens or listen to test tones. Just music, using my ears. ... |