Responses from rodman99999
What is the science behind audiophile fuses? @rdwill - What about better fuses in speakers?? I see all the talk about amplification power sourcing but I am more curious about high end fuses inside of speakers. Seems like the signal would interact more in those instances. When ... | |
What is the science behind audiophile fuses? A rewind: Anyone needing a rationale for experimenting with new fuses, cables or various, "tweaks" in their system and/or feeling dissuaded by the Church of Denyin'tology's antiquated electrical do... | |
Audio Cables: All the Same? FFFFFUUUUUUUU!!!!! What: no mic-drop, CHILD? (snort of derision) | |
Audio Cables: All the Same? Inescapable FACT: No one understands exactly how electricity works. That’s why there’s so much Electrical THEORY. The number of Wiki-Scientists on these pages, attempting to win the IG-Nobel Pr... | |
Audio Cables: All the Same? Feynman was and will remain, my favorite lecturer (yeah: I'm that old). He mentioned often (and: I took to heart) his favorite Rule of Life: "Never stop learning!" For all his genius, he never grew overly confident in his beliefs.... | |
Audio Cables: All the Same? Religious faith? WELL: the Cargo Cult's still building runways. Time for another repost: Cargo cult science is a pseudoscient... | |
Audio Cables: All the Same? @raysmtb1 + @lordrootman: "Louis Pasteur's theory of germs is ridiculous fiction." (Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology at Toulouse , 1872) "The abdomen, the chest, and the brain will forever be shut from the intrusion of the... | |
Audio Cables: All the Same? Well: the Denyin'tologists are out again, looking for some converts. Time for a rewind: No one can tell you whether/how your system, room and/or ears will respond to some new additi... | |
Amp is stuck "on"-rocker switch is not engaging @saintjohnnycash - It's been OVER 19 YEARS and they've probably solved their problem. Your solution makes no sense anyway. HAPPY LISTENING! | |
No discussion about the Synergistic Pink fuse? The Cargo Cult's out, building another runway. Time for a rewind: No one can tell you whether/how your system, room and/or ears will respond to some new addition. There are... | |
Crystal Clear Audio Statement -- What Direction? Resurrect a 13 year dead thread, to exhibit a vacuous head? Worth one TSK (maybe)! | |
Burn your power cables in PROPERLY with Haglabs Frycorder @westcoastaudiophile- YEP! As I mentioned in my previous post: No one can tell you whether/how your system, room and/or ears will respond to some ne... | |
Burn your power cables in PROPERLY with Haglabs Frycorder "Burn your power cables” I would add bank acct. to post too! "...this entire hobby...burning machine." ? Easy feedback: ... | |
Can a power amp have too much power, risking damage to a speaker? all that mentioned more speakers being damaged by underpowered amps, driven into distortion/clipping, taking out tweeters and: then mids. When I had my shoppe, in Winter Park, Florida; that's what I saw the most, having four... | |
Burn your power cables in PROPERLY with Haglabs Frycorder @jea48- +1 I have one word, to express my personal view/estimation as regards the Church of Denyin'tology and it's obfuscating, classically (possibly- willfully) obtuse adherents: ... |