
Responses from rodman99999

Random pop sounds in my system are scaring me
No surprise that you would hear a pop when powering up a source while the rest of the system is active. You've still not mentioned if one or both channels are making noises. If one- Have you tried the tube swap? 
Random pop sounds in my system are scaring me
Are you saying that you are plugging in and unplugging your interconnects with the equipment turned on, and selector turned to that input? That's never a good idea, and will always result in a "pop". Lots of potential for sending an unhealthy tran... 
Where to find 'good sounding' resistors?
Vishay Bulk Foils from: ( Ask him to match them to 1% for you. 
Random pop sounds in my system are scaring me
Hopefully- It will simply be a defective tube. Let us know your results. 
Quicksilver Contact Enhancer
The key to NEVER having a short(with Qs or The Walker products) is the understanding of the term, "sparingly". If one applies the product to WHATEVER connection SPARINGLY, and isn't a total spastic when applying it: A short will never occur. As me... 
Random pop sounds in my system are scaring me
Try tapping the driver and output tubes with a pencil. Sometimes a bad internal connection will cause the noises you are describing. If that doesn't narrow it down for you and the noise only occures in one channel: Swap all the tubes and see if it... 
High end Audio for ladies? Check this out
Hey Ait- That's the view of a Dali Megaline from the front. Notice the ribbon array at the right of it's cabinet? The one on the right is a partial profile. The owner appears to be exercising a practice known as, "toe-in" in his placement. Here's ... 
Need to repair Hafler 9505 - Any suggestions?
Call the phone number at the bottom of this page: ( Rockford build the amp, and they've still got some of the correct MOSFET pairs to repair it properly(They DID anyway). Mine lost a channel and the... 
Unequal shereo channel output ?
Any piece of gear that is still cranking out music after thirty-something years will require service and $$, regardless of where it was purchased. Hopefully- It'll last you another thirty, should you continue to enjoy it that long. Happy listening! 
Unequal shereo channel output ?
Given your 2205 contains some 45 transistors, 49 diodes/rectifiers and 8 integrated circuits: It would behoove you to find a qualified McIntosh service center, with the diagnostic equipment, documentation and familiarity to correctly repair the un... 
What is the proper way to dispose of old tubes?
That's a really interesting sculpting, though it's Gluteus Maximuses(Maximi?) aren't exactly anatomically correct. Artistic license and all that, I suppose. Then again- I've never met the model, so how would I know? 
Unequal shereo channel output ?
Good question re: all the inputs? If all ARE involved- Find some interstation noise on the tuner, switch the MX to "MONO" and if the output is still uneven: switch the L & R inputs to the amp as Timrhu suggested. If the channel with the lower ... 
Do speaker cables really matter?
Some years back The esteemed reviewer Julian Hirsch did a test involving a number of speaker cables, and determined at the conclusion that, "Speaker cables make no difference". So much for deaf reviewers! There are many in here that will tell you,... 
What is the proper way to dispose of old tubes?
Oregon- Sometimes LOVE has to get tough! If one can't have fun- What's the point in all this? Next time a tube toasts, I'll have you in mind and donate to the cause. Do donors get pics of the creation(s)? 
What is the proper way to dispose of old tubes?
The filaments of most of our tubes only take 6 or 12 volts to illuminate. Way less than the 120 most strings require. Actually- Vacuum tubes would be safer on a tree. NOW- If you wanted plate voltage applied, THAT would be another story(and just m...