
Responses from rodman99999

Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
@ jmolsberg-   Gotcha!   I too had a short, "chuckle"(more of a derisive snort).   Attention to detail is everything(and everything in the chain- critical), with analog. 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
@ jmolsberg - And most: presenting possible reasons, for the(unlikely) scenario. Is there a problem? 
Help with some Vintage gear???
An excellent(inexpensive) method, for listing sales items. 
Turntable cuing light
Great idea, for so many reasons! Now I’ll have to dust my table though(been in denial). Just ordered this one: 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
"Had everything dialed in.......... All good." You forgot to say, "Trust me". No mention of stylus condition(if purchased used). Too many variables! ie: The C-200L preamp was released over 30 years ago(1984). There’s an excellent chance, that the ... 
Whats the FATTEST sounding Tube amp to warm up Lean speakers?
@dumbeat- Regarding under-biasing: That will somewhat reduce your dynamics and may soften what you’re calling, "bite". Trying that won’t hurt anything, and actually increases tube life, though- at the cost of fidelity. 
Maggie owners HELP PLEASE!
Part 3)   Have you been thinking about any particular active crossover?  Hopefully- what you find, will do time alignment between bottom and main. 
Maggie owners HELP PLEASE!
Part 2) Unless you enjoy lower SPLs and have a relatively small room, I doubt your Pass Aleph will satisfy. Until this year I’d been biamping with planars(Acoustat IIIs and various Maggies). Never could satisfy my hunger for clean SPLs, with less ... 
Maggie owners HELP PLEASE!
Part 1)  However one actively crosses their biamped system, unless the amplifiers used, have the same sensitivity/gain and power, they will only be correctly matched, at one point in the volume setting.  At least, that's been my experience.   I've... 
Whats the FATTEST sounding Tube amp to warm up Lean speakers?
@ salectric- I’ve been using a Cary SLM-100 pair, for close to 15 years now. The last thing they are is colored(warm/fat sounding). Cary offered Jensen’s copper foil/PIO caps, as an("upgrade") option in their amps, but- Carys are not known(typical... 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
Sticks and stones may break my bonesBut chains and whips excite me (rihanna) 
Your Forever Pieces? What and Why?
My oldest factory piece, still in use(since 1980): a Magnepan Unitrac I, tonearm. The only change made to that, was creating an adapter, to allow upgrading it’s interconnect cable. Now mated with a Soundsmith cartridge, a golden(maybe platinum) co... 
Whats the FATTEST sounding Tube amp to warm up Lean speakers?
Whatever tubed amp you choose, load it with NOS British valves(Mullard/Brimar/Ediswan/Genelex/etc).  If those don't warm/sweeten/fatten things up enough, swap it's resistors out for carbon compositions, and/or- it's coupling capacitors, for oil in... 
Songs for Speaker Placement
@Jim-  Here's hoping it helps! 
Songs for Speaker Placement
One caveat to using recorded music, as a metric for speaker placement: unless you receive a soundstage/voice placement map(with the recording), were at the performance, or actually recorded the event, you have no way of knowing if your system is r...