
Responses from rodman99999

The Science of Cables
Iam nostis! 
Please Help Me Understrand "Phase" Control
Three pages of good stuff on phase: 
Do posters intend to hurt the feelings of other members?
@millercarbon-  +1 
The Science of Cables
De gustibus non est disputandum  
Analysis plus ova 9‘S vs. Kimber cable 8tc’s.
Enjoy!  Never stop learning/experimenting. 
How to select a good set of vacuum tubes?
Brent Jesse( and TC Tubes, here(for octals and output tubes, respectively). 
Wondering about capacitance settings for phono cartridge  AND 
The Science of Cables
@cd318- "What about tactics such as linguistic obfuscation? It’s common for some to try to derail attempts at clarity........A recent case in point was a post about the uncertainty regarding quantum behaviour which neglected to mention that this p... 
Arguments devolve on threads to wordsmithing contests
@celander - It deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr teh ltteers in a wrod aer, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht teh frist adn lsat ltteer be in teh rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses adn yuo can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the hu... 
Question on tube placement...
@jvancamp78- I don’t believe anyone is more conscientious than Brent Jesse(the site to which I referred you), regarding the testing and performance of the tubes they sell. As comprehensive as you were in your initial post; I assumed(UGH) you’d men... 
The Science of Cables
NASA likes my speaker cables(confirmation is nice): 
Question on tube placement...
Have fun and happy listening! 
The Science of Cables
Q)  Anyone know the quickest way to skin Shrodinger’s Cat?   A)  Fast Furrier Transform 
Question on tube placement...
My first sentence should have said, "Audition a pair(of whatever you select) in all positions and see where you prefer them."    Take your time and really(critically) listen, before moving on. 
Question on tube placement...
@jvankamp78- Audition a pair in each position, and see which you prefer. Don’t miss the(NOS) Tung-Sol(VT229), Round Plate(probably the premier 6SL7):