
Responses from rodman99999

Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8...OMG!!
Anyone that’s paid an iota of attention to Physics or Cosmology, from modern Astronomy or Astrophysics to Quantum Mechanics, knows: there are much harder to explain/more bazaar things, going on all around us, than the phenomena we observe, regardi... 
Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?
@uberwaltz- Yeah; they were kinda special and now, pretty much unobtainium(popular and rare does that). Had I known then: I woulda/shoulda/coulda had mine retipped and kept it. That’s one of very few components, that I’ve sold and wish I hadn’t. P... 
Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?
Earlier; geoffkait asked, "Is this where low effective mass of the tonearm comes in?" Since 1980; I’ve been using low mass Magnepan arms and high compliance cartridges. Among the reasons I went that way, is the lower VTF at which many higher compl... 
Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?
@lewm- I’ve never, in the last(slightly over) four decades of listening to vinyl, experienced any loss of fidelity, to, "super-imposed alterations in pitch and timing due to stylus drag, belt creep, and the like." In the years prior; some had to b... 
Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?
@davekayc- There’s Physics, again. ie: The heavier the groove modulation, the greater the friction(think sandpaper coarseness). Same with stylus force/pressure, in the groove(higher pressure = higher friction coefficient). Further from the center ... 
Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?
@tooblue :   +1 
Stylus-Drag..Fact or Fiction?
@tablejockey - The Denon DD table(DP75), I purchased in 1980(still have it, in a closet), has a Quartz referenced/AC servo motor speed control system, that reads 1000 precisely recorded pulses, from what amounts to magnetic tape, imprinted on it’s... 
How much are AR AR3's worth these days?
@b_limo - At the risk of making another Grabbyslist: You’re welcome! 
How loud do you play music?
What weightings are you posters using?  An important factor: 
How loud do you play music?
What oregonpapa said, +1(but- I use a Sharpie)!     
cables for GUITARISTS from audio companys
Analysis Plus makes some mighty nice stuff, including more secure jacks: 
What does the term "Speed" mean in a speaker?
@eric- Certainly, much of what’s causing phase/freq anomalies, etc, in a speaker system, can be corrected with DSP. ie: Far as individual drivers(or- identical multiples)... 
Tube rolling in the Candela
@topside3- Have you tried any NOS tubes, from those that are grading tubes, for low-noise application? ie: and You might contact Brent... 
Barbie's Very Real, High End Speaker Problem...
EMPTY SPACE? Just sayin’(not foaming, or anything). 
...amazed by 15+ year old interconnect...
All of my current interconnects(Kimber KS-1132 and KS-1032, Synergistic Tesla Apex(w/Spallone MPC mod) and Analog Tricon, Wireworld Eclipse 7 Golds, not to mention my Analysis Plus, Big Silver Oval speaker cables), have silver conductors. So did e...