
Discussions rocky1313 has started

sansui 2000a 35 wpc 8ohms and kef c80 4ohm 47495
KEF C80 and Sansui 2000A Receiver Compatibility13161
KLH 5 and KLH 355 " Barons" fire hazard concern34091
Pioneer XA 780 Receiver sound !17162
Denon 4806 AVR Keep it on all day ?22134
KEF C80's.../ or...KLH 5's ?15231
KLH Model 5 question64207
Sansui 2000A Vintage receiver question58794
kef series C 80 questions7972
kef 104 / 2. Speakers questions 38545
celestion 100 or b&w dm 601 s210903
AR xa Turntable Head shell question27463
klh 355 baron 1970s13761
Component Stacking Question339613
Balance question regarding PROFICIENT M40 Receiver19101