
Responses from roberjerman

Advice on SUT for Koetsu Rosewood - EAR MC-4, Slagle/EMIA, other
The problem with recommending a SUT is that every SUT/mc cartridge combination will sound different. So I have six SUTs to experiment with, including a Mike Sanders Quicksilver. How about the Bellari MT-502? I have one and it proved a fine match w... 
Marantz PM KI Pearl Integrated
There is Marantz (Japan) and Marantz USA. The latter no longer exists! The original Saul Marantz (and chief engineer Sid Smith) company was recognized from the early Fifties to the mid-Sixties as the purveyors of the finest tube gear! Alas, the ar... 
How is being recorded these days
That is why I am always on the lookout for original LP pressings made prior to the '80s. These just seem to have more "there" there in those spiral grooves! 
How is being recorded these days
It would be helpful if on new LPs there were listed a SPARS code: AAA, AAD, ADA, ADD, DDD ... Alas, I don't see this happening any time soon! I just assume that all new  LP reissues have some amount of digitizing before reaching the final lacquer ... 
How is being recorded these days
Today's latest cutting lathes use a digital feed to the preview head. So even if an all-analog tape is going into the cutting amp/cutter head digitalization is right there as the cutter stylus plows a groove in the lacquer disk!  
How is being recorded these days
The only way to be truly sure that a recording remains analog all the way from the original session master to the final RTR tape going into the cutting amp/cutter head/lathe is to buy only LPs made prior to the arrival of digital recorders.That wo... 
Turntable and pre-amp advice sought
+1 noromance for your first post! I chose the Pioneer PLX1000 when I wanted to add a new NIB TT to my collection of vintage TTs. And a new Denon 103R to mount on it. For the money this is a hard-to-beat combination! 
Hi-Fi amp recommendation
I personally wouldn't buy any of those Ch*nese p*rate clones! Though I did buy a nice SET amp with transmitter tubes! The price was certainly affordable ($450)! 
Hi-Fi amp recommendation
I found a nice pair of Hafler gear from someone nearby. A 101 preamp and a DH200 amp. The cost was $300 - a real good deal! Dave Hafler was producing SS gear in the late '70s/'80s that was competitive with then-current four-figure gear! And still ... 
HiFi for musicians
My old high school friend (a very talented prog-rock musician) had a rather cr*ppy MCS system from JC Penney! I had to goad him into spending a few bucks for something much better: an AR TT/Grado, Kenwood integrated amp and KLH Sixes! All bought u... 
HiFi for musicians
One of my neighbors is a pro rock musician. He was over one time and looking at my gear. I asked him what he used. "I just listen to my computer's speakers!" I asked him "Wouldn't you like to have a nice stereo system?" His reply was "NO!" This ex... 
Is integrated the future for 2 channel audiophiles?
No, the future is the wireless self-powered speaker system! AND IT IS HERE NOW! Check out Atkinson's review of the Dali Callisto 6 C speakers/Hub/BluOS system ($5750) in the latest Stereophile. Two Class D amps in each 3-way speaker and control th... 
Zyx R50 problem or not?
Get it back from your friend and try it again in your system. It might just work fine!  
Bookshelf speakers for classical music
I remember an ad for the Rogers LS3/5A showing them placed on a bookshelf. This was back in '76, when they were only $450 a pair! Wish I had bought a pair or two then! Now look at what they cost! Maybe I was lucky to snag a pair for $960 ( from Li... 
Phono cartridge suggestions sought
The venerable 103 is the Toyota Corolla of cartridges! A good daily driver that performs up to specs and is affordable! A good recommendation is the Hana SL with the Shibata tip ($750). A superior stlyus profile that will extract "more" from those...