
Responses from roberjerman

Seeking Speaker Recommendations
How about a real classic: the DCM Time Windows 1A, the 3 and the 7! I have owned the 1A's for 40 years (now on pair no. 3!) and keep coming back to them for that SOUND! Truly a GREAT design by Steve Eberbach of Michigan! And I own Quad 57's (two p... 
Infinity IRS Betas - proper amplification
Save your tube gear for your JBL's! Those C51's are really something!  
Infinity IRS Betas - proper amplification
Forget about tube gear.Those IRS's need an amp that can drive 2 ohms and put out a lot of current (amps) to really come alive! Think Krell, Levinson, Pass ... 
McIntosh MC275
Only direct-heated triodes like the 211 and 845 emit enough light to illuminate a room!  
Can I do better then my Lampizator Gen 4 Level 4?
"My Lampi is still a good dac" Clearly a case of audio new roses, eh Watson!  
Cryo a power cord?
More bogus pseudoscience for the neurotic and gullible!  
What Bookshelf / Stand Mounted Speakers To Pair With Vintage Electronics?
How about a pair of AR4's with rebuilt crossovers? Mine sound quite fine and didn't cost much! Back in the day (60's - 70's) they were highly rated! And would match well with the 810's power. 
TT mats
Hiraoka Diskmat SE22! Yes, it's vintage and I bought it brand new from Harvey Sound, NYC back in 1978! $20! Still in use on my Ariston RD11S! I have yet to see a better-made and sounding mat than this! 
interconnect XLR cables Valhalla Nordost or Reference XL Transparent?
Flip a coin! 
Anyone Upgrade NAD D 3020 Power Cable?
It would be great to live in a world where changing a piece of wire improved sound quality. Alas ... 
Which tubes do I change??
What preamp do you have? And your source - analog or digital?  
Looking for the best moving coil cart that is around $5K used
Look for a brand-new Koetsu for about $2500 and give the rest to your financial advisor! 
Which one
+1 Marantz 7! Designed by Sid Smith - who also designed the Model 8 and 9 tube amps. 
Decca London Reference- SME V, FR 64s or FR 64 fx?
The best tonearm for the Decca might be the Sony Active Arm - it can compensate for the different vertical and horizontal compliances of the Decca better than any conventional arm! It can tame the wayward tracking inherent in the suspension design!   
Jazz for aficionados
Jeez, what a long thread! Nobody's mentioned the BEST out-there sax player of today: Peter Brotzmann! Checkout "Machine gun"! Plenty of his recordings available on vinyl from the Bay!