
Responses from roberjerman

Best amp/ IC's to go with my Thiel 2.4SB's
Buy the Ayre V-5Xe and K-5e. This is what you have tried and are familiar with your Thiel's! Excellent amplification! Keep the K-5e stock (it is already a superb preamp!). Regarding IC's: contact HCM and see if they have any left of the AQ Silver ... 
Who Makes Class AB, DC design
Here's a TRUE giant killer: Spread Spectrum Technology Ampzilla 2000 Mono's! The last and final design by the great designer James Bongiorno. I'd put these up against ANY $20K - 100K amps!  Read the review in Sensible Sound! 
Modern audiophile records
Pallbearer: The Foundations OF Burden     (Profound Lore 2014) and its successor: Heartless (Profound Lore 2017)                  This is the best prog - doom - metal available today! Think Sabbath for the 21th century! I have Burden on a double L... 
What's your investment threshold?
My last cable purchase was a set of five Audio Quest Silver Extremes for $500.       HCM had them as a new "close out" for 25% of list (list price was $400 each!). Sounds fine to my "golden" ears! 
Tower Records
I bought many CD's at the Stamford, CT Tower! They carried an amazing collection of silver discs: everything from classical to jazz and rock! Tower will be missed! I personally like going to a store for music shopping! 
Brand new to vinyl: Help!
Also, the 1978 Columbia pressing of Floyd's The Wall makes a fine reference LP!  
Brand new to vinyl: Help!
+1 gasbose! That Dynavector high-output  mc cartridge will handily outperform ANY Ortofon mm! I myself have one in my collection of various cartridges! Just do a careful alignment and setup! Don't waste money on fancy cables! Buy an original US or... 
Old or new gear
Buy a nicely restored pair of Dynaco Mk 3's. A classic design - 60 watts and excellent iron! Half the price of a Mac 275! I have a pair myself! Excellent resale value, too! 
MQA•Foolish New Algorithm? Vote!
MQA's claim of "authenticity" (the little blue light) is plainly bogus! See FredericV's posts (Feb 20) on the Computer Audio site!  
MQA•Foolish New Algorithm? Vote!
A money-grabbing scheme by THE BIG THREE (Warners - Universal - Sony) to get the innocent to buy the SAME music all over again! And a sneaky Trojan horse of DRM!  
Publication bias and confounders in product reviews - TAS, Stereophile, Audiogon, etcetera
The two "Peters" (Aczel and Moncrieff) made a determined attempt to avoid "favoritism" and "commercialism". Check out The Audio Critic (TAC) and International Audio Review (IAR). Listening combined with measuring for honest and forthright assessme... 
To keep, upgrade or change
I recommend a Pioneer PLX1000 TT. $700. Direct drive. Add the latest Grado MI cartridge ($100 - 200) and you will have a fine sounding system. Later, you can upgrade to an MC cartridge (Denon, Hana ...). 
re capping
As an example: my Son of Ampzilla (circa 1977) is now going on its third year of daily use! Working perfectly well and sounding mighty fine! I bought it used with an unknown number of hours from the previous owner. Took a chance and plugged it str... 
re capping
Transistor gear works and sounds best when left on 24/7. Electrolytic caps kept fully charged will function perfectly well and not degrade! Long periods of unuse are to be avoided. But they can often be restored by using a VARIAC to slowly ramp-up... 
NAA Clock Timing Improvements w/Asynchronous USB?
+1 kijanki! Best explanation I've read so far on USB/DAC compatibility!