
Responses from roberjerman

Rectifier Tube Rolling in a Modwight LS 36.5DM
If you desire a "different" sound you can try different makes of the other tubes in your preamp: 12A*7/ECC81,82, 83's/5751's, 7025's, 6DJ8/6922/ECC88's, 6SL/6SN7's ..  This is a SAFE method! 
Rectifier Tube Rolling in a Modwight LS 36.5DM
Different rectifier tubes also draw different amounts of current from the power transformer - even though most are all 5 volt heaters. Too much current draw from the 5 volt AC winding will cause the power transformer to overheat and fail! Stick to... 
Rectifier Tube Rolling in a Modwight LS 36.5DM
Different rectifier tubes drop the B+ voltage by different amounts. That's all! This will effect an electrical circuit's operating points. It is best to use the rectifier that particular circuit was designed for! For instance, a 5Y3 cannot be subs... 
Considering purchasing different speakers
You want holographic sound, 3-D, performers in the room ... forget the above two speakers! Buy a pair of Ohm Walsh speakers! I've had a pair in use now for years and they do deliver!  
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
Dr.Watson! Come here quick! What is it Sherlock? I have found a way to remove phlogiston from wires! No more need for "burn-in"! Instantaneous results!  
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
@john1 : Excellent post! There is more "there" in those microgrooves than many realize! After all, audio recording starts with a vibrating mike diaphragm moving a coil in a magnetic field. A completely analog process! And should be played back by ... 
Does anyone use white gloves to handle records?
I used a laundered pair of brown cotton gloves for handling my LPs! Detective Monk would have approved! I'll have to get another pair (lost the first pair)! 
Muse Model 2 DAC
The Muse DAC 2 is a fine unit and is worth restoration! Be sure to get a 75 ohm 1 meter (or longer) RCA-to-RCA cable to connect it to a CD/DVD player/transport. Canare makes a good one! 
Muse Model 2 DAC
Throw that Prima Luna CD player in the trash! Go to EBay. You can find plenty of older CD players there for cheap and in still-working condition. Same for DVD players! They play CD's just fine and will work as a transport to connect to a DAC!  
Muse Model 2 DAC
A fuse either works or it doesn't! There is no "half-way" point. Take that fuse out and hold it up to a light. Look inside. Is the wire within broken? If not, the fuse is still good. There should be lettering near the fuse holder indicating type: ... 
Denon DL 103 modifications and re-body questions thread
@lewm : Read Mitchell Cotter's article in The Audio Critic (circa '77) where he lays out the case for the superiority of MC's and the SUT/active stage controversy. I owned his Verion P transformer and used it for years with the GAS Sleeping Beauty... 
Road to Hana - Best Audio CD
Are Pass Labs amps probably the best ever you can buy ?
Check out the new Luxman L509x integrated! See the review in the May Stereophile! It might be what you are looking for! 
Are Pass Labs amps probably the best ever you can buy ?
What speakers do you own? And your source: analog or digital? 
Turntable got absolutely crushed by CD
Avoid new pressings made from digital files! NOT the same sound as original analog first pressings. I had the Led Zeppelin  LP box set made from digital remasters. NG! Thumbs down! Couldn't stand to listen to it!