
Responses from roberjerman

A comparison between two DACs, one R-2R, the other ES 9038-based.
The proliferation of DAC's is a clever marketing ploy to get the insecure and gullible to spend more money. The same goes for IC's and power cords! 
Should I replace my Conrad Johnson PV-2 with a McIntosh C-28
I regret selling my C28. A fine example of vintage Mac!  
Best LPs to Test Turntables
Lou Reed: Rock And Roll Animal (Heroin, Sweet Jane)! 
Best LPs to Test Turntables
Stravinsky: The Firebird (Boulez and the NYP). Mahler: Symphony 1 (Ozawa/BSO) - last movement. St.Saens: Symphony 3 (Barenboim/CSO) - last movement! 
Best LPs to Test Turntables
Weather Report: I Sing The Body Electric (The Unknown Soldier). Sweet Nighter (Boogie Woogie Waltz). 
Best LPs to Test Turntables
Sheffield Labs direct-to-disc: Wagner, Prokofiev Romeo and Juliette, Thelma Houston. Spectacular dynamic range! 
How did a bands' name originate?
@stevecham : The Who were called the High Numbers! I got this from my double LP "The Story Of The Who". 
Best song for immediate impact when presenting or testing?
The last movement of St.Saen's Symphony 3 - Barenboim/CSO on DG! 
Best song for immediate impact when presenting or testing?
"The Unknown Soldier" from Weather Report's I Sing The Body Electric!  
Reco for a low power amp to try
For less money, a Bediini 10/10 would be a good choice. If you could find one! 
Reco for a low power amp to try
Check out the new First Watt SIT amp from Nelson Pass. 8 watts of pure Class A power! Favorably reviewed by Herb Reichert in the February Stereophile. 
Reco for a low power amp to try
No good without speakers of 95+ sensitivity! I have Klipsch Heresy's to use with my Will Vincent SET 45 amp. A mere 1.75 wpc! Yet a good match with the Heresy! So for low power amps the speaker choice is most important! 
Jethro Tull CD/DVD Special Editions
I remember buying "This Was" for $3.29 back in '68 (Caldor's, Riverside CT). Who were these guys? Took it home and listened to it on my plastic GE one-box stereo. Ah, the good old days! Became a fan - saw J.Tull in August '70 (Central Park - Schae... 
Beyond the sound of things, and into the soul of things.
"Spin The Black Circle" as Eddie Vedder and Pearl Jam sang! 
cartridge recommendation
The Grado MI's typically have 1/10 the inductance of most MM's - 45 millihenries vs. 450 mhenries. Smaller coils, faster transients! Way back when, the Grado FTE ($15!) was an easy recommendation for a "best buy" cartridge! Present day Grados are ...