
Responses from rlwainwright

Media Server Confusion
No. You need to use ripping software and a PC with a CD/DVD/Bluray drive.-RW- 
Adding Tone Controls?
Oh yeah, that's a smart way to go about it - not! Interconnects and speaker wires have very subtle effects if any at all. And they would always be in the signal path, thus "tailoring" the sound for all sources. Not to mention the hassle of swappin... 
Media Server Confusion
Ummm, the Oppo 95 does not have a digital input unless you are going to use its USB inputs as such. Why not just stash your music on a USB drive and hook that into the Oppo? That's what I do with my Oppo 93 and it works quite well. The user interf... 
Top monitors 3K - 6K range
I've been reading great things about the Tekton M-Lores, perhaps they should be added to your list, $649/pr....Very efficient speakers, too. And the Tekton Model 81T's look to be very nice for only $650/pr.Gallo Classico CL-2s are getting great re... 
One sub or two or none?
The way I have heard it explained, you should position the sub at your normal listening position. Then while it is playing, walk around the room and listen for where the sub's output sounds loudest. Then move the sub to that position and you're do... 
CDs: Deep Storage
Ummm, shoe boxes will do quite nicely and don't cost a dime if you strike up a friendly conversation with one of the fellows at a local shoe store...-RW- 
Why does my receiver volume go from -db to +17db
It means the NAD has a very wide dynamic range. Don't worry about it. Set the volume to the level you like and don't worry about what the numbers read...-RW- 
Adding Tone Controls?
Oh for heaven's sake, he's already listening to abysmally recorded albums and you're gonna worry about the supposedly deleterious effects of an equalizer? Some times I wonder if some of you guys made it thru grade school.Buy a decent parametric eq... 
would 50 feet speaker wires be harmful to amp?
Ebm does not know what he is blathering on about. Just be sure to use nice large gauge OFC copper cabling and you'll be in good shape. For a 50 ft. run I would use 10 or 12 gauge (awg), 10 awg is larger than 12 awg. Also, if this is to be an in-wa... 
Sennheiser HD 700s need a lot of break-in?
All of the Sennheiser 600+ series headphones are excellent performers. I have also found the 580s to be very good-sounding. And I was able to purchase 2 pairs right here on the 'Gon for less than $200 total.Give those 700s a couple hundred hours a... 
Best ht speaker systems
For "reasonably"-priced speakers, it is hard to go wrong with the Gallo Reference series. They have *excellent* dispersion, top-quality construction, and their Ref AV series are *made* for home theater use. I currently use their Reference 3.qs for... 
big screen - two channel system enough for dialog?
I am sorry I did not read all of your posts thoroughly. Since you have the luxury of building the room, by all means take advanatge of the abilitiy to make the side walls and ceiling non-parallel. This will effedctively kill any standing waves in ... 
big screen - two channel system enough for dialog?
No offense, dude, but that room looks like a standing wave nightmare. I would *seriously consider placing some sound damping materials on the side walls near the 1st reflection points. Additionally, some thick, sound damping carpets would go a lon... 
big screen - two channel system enough for dialog?
There is NO question that a proper center channel speaker will enhance dialog intelligibility. Keep in mind that the center channel is THE primary channel used by the audio guys when mixing for movies. Additionally, it "anchors" the sound to the c... 
What pioneer component used a speaker with a chord
Sounds like an "active" speaker to me. The power *cord* - NOT chord - supplies power to the built-1n amp....-RW-