
Responses from rives

What will become of my beloved CDs?
Interesting idea, and to some degree probably correct. It's odd that this hasn't been talked about more, but have you ever noticed that currently discussions of music downloads center around MP3 and lossy compression schemes, while hardware (slowl... 
Studio Acoustic Tiles/Panels for listening room?
Bufus is right. The attenuation is in the middle band and upper frequencies. It is likely to through the RT-60 (reverberation time for 60 dB attenuation) off. You typically need a variety of absorbers and diffusors to get the right balance in a ro... 
Question about Aesthetix cartridge demagnetizer...
It should work fine. There is a theory that says the cable will also become magnetized, but I don't much subscribe to that. One thing that I don't think is covered in the instructions is that the tonearm should be in the down position--have the ne... 
Weird Bass Reponse on my Speakers.
Clearly there's a dip around 100Hz (at least at the listening position). Although the Radio Shack SPL meter is not linear (we make a CD that corrects for it's non-linearities)--it's not THAT far off. Now the question is why do you have that dip? C... 
What's the size of your listening room and/or ht?
Unsound: I will when I finish the project. In fact I met with the architect today. I now have the basic boundaries of the room figured out, but do not have the exact measurments done. I have at least 2 more weeks of work (and probably longer--beca... 
What's the size of your listening room and/or ht?
Clueless: This is an area that I disagree with Everest's reference and a number of other references regarding splaying walls. In fact, if you look at most of the literature in this area, most discuss parallel walls and how to do all the calculatio... 
Audiogoners, I love you........
Somehow you just knew the Audiogon Love Fest was going to arrive. It is a great site. I've learned a lot from it, and hopefully been able to help a few A-goners on the way. As Sean says, it feels like home--I almost feel as though I know many A-go... 
What's the size of your listening room and/or ht?
I'm in the process of building a new house with an optimized room. It will be approximately (I say approximately because there will not be any parallel walls or ceiling), 20 (W) x 24 (L) x 11.5 (H). These are averaged dimensions. 
Speaker Placement
Jimbo: Planers are very finicky--they require far more attention to placement and environment than dynamic speakers do. The other aspect that is very important to planer is that symetric placement is critical to good imaging. I believe this is imp... 
Martin Logan Ascent question - Please Help
Rd1: I would highly recommend the cinema center channel. I have the Logos, but in some respects I think the Cinema is better, particularly for your setup. Obviously, it's well matched for your speakers. 
Speaker placement along the long wall
Bob's advice is good. I've listened to the Hales and you are in luck in that they do sound fine near a rear wall. They actually suffer more from side wall interactions due to their dispersion pattern. There are several websites that have good info... 
Down sizing
I have a similar problem. I am currently in a temporary home while our new home is being built. My large system is in storage and I downsized quite a bit. I'm currently using my CD source equipment (my turntable is in storage), my preamplifier, bu... 
Isolation transformer or power conditiner?
The isolation transformer will definitely help as it will keep all the hash on the electrical lines from other household items down to a minimum. If you use an isolation transformer that has balanced outputs that will help even further. Also, inde... 
Martin Logan Ascent question - Please Help
Kirk's advice is good. Martin Logan sells their panels at reasonable prices. Get the serial numbers off the panels before you call, they may be in warranty (although it does not sound like a manufacturing defect to me) or you may only need to repl... 
Can you overdamp the front wall?
The Stereophile CD has music as well as test tones. I found myself only using the test tones, but did not like the way they were configured. They use indexing (rather than tracks) for the individual test tones. This is okay for measuring the room ...